University of Minnesota Duluth Welcome to Peoples and Cultures of Europe Tim Roufs
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Minnesota Historical Society Visual Resources Database Migrant, Green Giant, LeSueur, Minn Location no. AV Photographer: Jerome Liebling Fine Art Photo Collection
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Textbooks Course Materials
Course taught “European style” Political Science Profs, University of Birmingham, 1984 Mike Haralombos Sociology: Themes and Perspectives (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1994.)
Texts :
Texts :
Texts : Parman, Susan. Europe in the Anthropological Imagination. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, (ISBN: )
Texts : Kurlansky, Mark. Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World. NY: Penguin Books, (ISBN : )
Texts : Gmelch, Sharon Nan: The Life of an Irish Traveling Woman, Revised Edition. Long Grove: IL: Waveland Press, (ISBN: )
Texts : Messenger, John C. Inis Beag: Isle of Ireland. Long Grove: IL: Waveland Press, (ISBN: )
Texts : Krause Elizabeth L. A Crisis of Births : Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy. Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, (ISBN: )
Texts : Friedl, Ernestine. Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece. Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth, (ISBN: ) (Thomson-Wadsworth Case Studies in Anthropology ISBN: )
Texts : Kurlansky, Mark. The Basque History of the World. NY: Penguin Books, (ISBN: )
How do you find the syllabus and other course materials on the web?
The Main UMD WebPage
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Question: How many European “countries” are there?
Answer: It depends on what you consider a “country”.
Answer: It depends on what you consider a “country”.
But what happened to…. England Scotland Wales Greenland … and the like ?
Question: How many “countries” are there in the world?
The Times Atlas of the World: Eleventh Comprehensive Edition (2005)
“There are currently 193 states recognized by the United Nations — its 192 members and the Vatican City.” [194 if you include Taiwan] (“A state is an independent territory with a government, a population, and sovereignty over these.”) --Wikipedia
“There are currently 193 states recognized by the United Nations — its 192 members and the Vatican City.” [194 if you include Taiwan] (“A state is an independent territory with a government, a population, and sovereignty over these.”) --Wikipedia
Wikipedia lists 245 countries but only 193 states “with general international recognition”
Question: How many European cultures are there?
Waloons Flemish
REM Question: How many European “countries” are there?
But what happened to…. England Scotland Wales … and the like? But what happened to…. England Scotland Wales … and the like?
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University of Minnesota Duluth And, once again… Welcome to Peoples and Cultures of Europe Enjoy your stay!