AMDA, Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis: A web-based service provided by the CDPP. Jacquey 1 C., V. Génot 1, E. Budnik 2, R. Hitier 3, M. Bouchemit 1, M.


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Presentation transcript:

AMDA, Automated Multi-Dataset Analysis: A web-based service provided by the CDPP. Jacquey 1 C., V. Génot 1, E. Budnik 2, R. Hitier 3, M. Bouchemit 1, M. Gangloff 1, A. Fedorov 1, B. Cecconi 4, N. André 1, B. Lavraud 1, C. Harvey 1, F. Dériot 5, D. Heulet 5, E. Pallier 1, E. Penou 1 and J.L. Pinçon 6 1: CDPP/CESR, Toulouse, France 2: Noveltis, Toulouse, France 3: Co-libri, Montréal, France 4: LESIA/OBSPM, Meudon, France 5: CDPP/CNES, Toulouse, France 6: LPCE, Orléans, France ESWW-5, Bruxelles, November 20, 2008

The CDPP (  French national centre (CNRS-CNES) > 10 years  Hosted at CESR, Toulouse, France  Missions: -Archiving the data for long-term preservation -Valorisation of the data ·Making data easy to use ·Providing tools and services -Participation to Virtual Observatories

Messenger VEX MEX Ulysses STEREO A and B Around the Earth: ACE, WIND THEMIS, CLUSTER, GEOTAIL, … shock Compressed solar wind Energetic particles ejecta August 15, 2007 Ex.: Prangé et al., Nature, 2004

Some aspects of space physics studies ·We need to analyse measurements obtained by several observatories ·We need to analyse multi-instrument data ·We need to compare the observations to simulation results ·Creating Time-Tables (or event list) and catalogues is a common step of the work We need to extract and treat a lot of data coming from multiple resources  This takes time and energy %Building Virtual Observatories %Developing generic analysis tools

AMDA Automated Mutiple Dataset Analysis  Web based service  Transparent (automated) access to data  the user plays with parameters, not with files  AMDA local database (CLUSTER, ACE, THEMIS, GEOTAIL, WIND, …, STEREO, VEX, MEX, …, IMP-8, ISEE, … geomagnetic indices)  External databases (CDAWeb, CASSINI: MAPSKP+SKR, VEX-MAG, THEMIS/CESR, …)  Produces and exploits time-tables and catalogues Visualisation editor Parameter editor Download data Conditional search External data Visual search Time-Table manager AMDA DOES NOT WORK FULLY WITH InternetExplorer and Safari AMDA is public (registred or guess users, at !

Science Case: study and characterisation of the local properties of the cross-tail current  Based on CLUSTER data when it encircles the neutral sheet. (i)Current density, profile, gradient (ii)Thickness, location, motion (iii)Distribution function (i+ and e-), flows, … (iv)Turbulence/wave level and spectra (v)…  Influence factors: (i)Solar Wind pressure (ii)IMF (iii) Geomagnetic activity: -State of the ionosphere. -Oxygen abundance -Ring current intensity

Visualisation (1)

Visual search Visualisation (2)

Automated search on AMDA/CDPP X Z B B

Conditional search

Managing Time-Tables

Parameter computation

Data download On the fly data merging

Access to external databases

VO: AMDA SPASE compliant Local Database AMDA System CDAWeb SKR MAPSKP Any databases including a SPASE based interoperability layer can be used by AMDA

AMDA -Automated search -Visual search  Time-Tables CAA Validated high resolution CLUSTER data CL QSAS Standardised sub-databases Other? CDAWeb DARTS CDPP/CESR THEMIS database SSL THEMIS database Other? Time-Tables VO: a collaboration based on Time-Table Exchange Time-Tables Data, parameters User tools

Conclusions %AMDA is a web based service, continuously developed with the support of CNES and CNRS %AMDA is public (guest or registred user) %AMDA: Visualisation, data download, parameter computation, visual search, automated conditional search, time-table managment ÞAutomated recognition, proxy studies, creating catalogues … ÞShould be useful for space weather studies %AMDA is VO (SPASE based) compliant %AMDA in european VO projects: EuroPLANET/IDIS, HELIO, TTE %Feedback from user is very welcome. For any need or comment: %If you use AMDA or CDPP services for publications, please aknowledge If someone is interested, an interactive demo can be performed in the poster room after the session.