Issues for Discussion IPPA Organisational Planning 1. Delegate Succession Planning 2. Executive Committee - Succession Planning 3. Structure of the Executive Committee
Overview IPPA is the only non clinical subgroup within the WCPT IPPA has 17 paid up Members Organisations Success dependent on a number of factors including 1. Leadership 2. Succession of personnel 3. Continuity of work
History of MO Support Support has varied over the course of the past 18 years Strong support from a core group of MO’s Sporadic support from a second group of MO’s Little or no support from a third group
Strong Supporters Attend General and Regional Meetings Respond to s and other correspondence Pay subscriptions on time Offer to work on Projects Good delegate representation and succession planning within their own MO Generally make time available to contribute to the organisation
Sporadic Supporters Attend General and Regional meetings irregularly Poor continuity of delegate representation at meetings Poor communication – personnel changes within MO changes are not communicated to IPPA, and contact details change making communication difficult. The MO has never been represented on the EC
‘Subs Payers’ This group pay their subs but apart from that they are invisible! They never or rarely attend General and Regional Meetings Communication is almost non existent I question why these MO’s even belong to the IPPA!
Future Success of the IPPA This will rely on each MO doing the following 1. Recognizing and accepting the responsibilities of being an MO! 2. Understanding that communication is a key responsibility! 3. Attending and contributing to Regional and General Meetings 4. Answering s in a timely manner 5. Looking at the opportunity to be part of future Executive Committees.
MO Delegate Succession Planning MOR’s are best equipped to contribute when they understand the activities the IPPA are involved with This understanding and knowledge happens 1. over a period of time 2. when the MOR knows the other delegates 3. when the MOR has a sense of ownership of the projects and activities the IPPA is working on MOR’s who attend 1 or 2 meetings and are then replaced are not in a position to contribute in a way the IPPA needs them to.
Executive Committee Position MO’s should appoint their delegates for a minimum period of 4 years. Appointment of delegates to coincide with IPPA General Meetings where election of officers takes place.
Executive Committee – Succession Planning Constitutionally necessary to have officers representing at least 3 WCPT sub regions Having as many regions represented as possible requires 1. an increase in total membership numbers 2. An increase in membership from certain regions
IPPA Membership
Europe is the stronghold of the IPPA The low levels of membership from the other regions makes it hard when needing to ensure at least 3 regions are represented on the Executive Committee Historically the IPPA has experienced difficulty during elections when some delegate nominations have had to have been withdrawn during voting because of the complexities of sub region representation on the Executive Committee
Future IPPA Membership Strategically the IPPA should direct resources into membership recruitment from the 4 regions outside Europe Barriers to this recruitment include 1. many countries not permitting practice outside of the hospital environment 2. a number of countries having unregulated private practice making it difficult for those countries to meet the IPPA membership criteria 3. the language barrier making it difficult to engage in meaningful conversation about private practice
Future IPPA Membership While the issue of recruitment is difficult it cannot be ignored! This organisation is a membership based organisation and the fundamental reason for its existence is to work for the benefit of organisations. This issue will not be addressed further in this talk but will be addressed by the Executive Committee in consultation with the wider membership within the next 12 months
Structure of the Executive Committee Current IPPA Constitution requires the Executive Committee to consist of 5 elected officers Officers must represent at least 3 WCPT sub regions Most responsibility falls to the Chair, the Secretary and Treasurer. The EC currently works well and provides the opportunity for a range of views and experience to govern the organisation.
Structure of the Executive Committee ChairVice ChairTreasurerSecretary Member Organisation Rep
Structure of the Executive Committee During my 10 years on the EC I felt my 4 years terms as MO Rep and Vice Chair lacked a specific purpose and role within the EC. Currently the role of the Vice Chair is a supporting role for the Chair. The MO Rep is currently a liaising role between the MO’s and the EC. (perhaps my experience as the MO Rep and Vice Chair says more about me than the roles themselves!)
Structure of the Executive Committee I propose that the structure of the EC is reviewed. The purpose of the review would be to examine how the EC can function using a lean thinking approach and deliver to the membership ‘value for money’ Essentially the lean thinking approach would see 1. a reduction in the size of the Executive Committee from 5 to 4 2. Changing the role of the MO Rep
Proposed Executive Committee Changes Reduce the EC size from 5 officers to 4 officers by removing the position of Vice Chair Changing the name and the role of the MO Rep to that of Projects Co-ordinator The Projects Co-ordinator would be responsible for managing IPPA Projects eg the recent website upgrade and the current MO dataset project The Project Co-ordinator would also be responsible for membership recruitment with support from the Chair.
Structure of the Executive Committee Delivering value to the membership in the future will most likely see the organisation work on projects for the benefit of the membership. These projects may vary in length but they are likely to be worked on during the course of a year (between meetings) and in some instances may span 2 years. These projects will need to be driven by the EC with the support of the membership and will need to have an EC member responsible for delivering the project.
Consequences of an EC Restructure Possible increased workload for 4 EC members Less debate within the EC with one less member Difficulty meeting constitutional requirements to have 3 sub group regions represented Reduced running costs of the EC More focus from a smaller group with defined roles.
Structure of the Executive Committee I welcome the comments and views of the MOR on this matter.
Structure of the Executive Committee