ESPON Seminar Liège, Belgium 17-11-2010 METROBORDER Cross-border polycentric metropolitan regions Tobias Chilla, University of Luxembourg, on behalf of.


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Presentation transcript:

ESPON Seminar Liège, Belgium METROBORDER Cross-border polycentric metropolitan regions Tobias Chilla, University of Luxembourg, on behalf of the TPG

CU C oordination Unit MC Monitoring Committee ARE Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung (Leadpartner) MAT Ministère de l’Intérieur et de l’Aménagement du territoire du Grand Duché du Luxembourg DIACT Délégation interministérielle à l'aménagement et à la compétitivité des territoires BMVBS Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland DGATLP Ministère der Région Wallone, Direction générale de l'Aménagement du territoire, du Logement et du Patrimoine ULUniversité du Luxembourg (Leadpartner) CEGUM Centre de Recherches en Géographie - Université de Metz CEPS Centre d'Etudes de Populations, Pauvreté et Politiques Socio-Ec. ETHZ Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich IGEATUniversité Libre de Bruxelles RegBasRegio Basiliensis UHAUniversité de Haute Alsace USBUniversität des Saarlandes Researcher Stakeholder ESPON programme The METROBORDER project

WP 1 Analysis on European level WP 2 Case Studies: Greater Region & Upper Rhine WP 3 Strategy Building WP 4 Dissemination ‚Cross-Border Polycentric Metropolitan Regions‘ (CBPMR): Where are they? What is their position? How can their governance be improved?... The METROBORDER project

FUAs and MUAs within the two case study regions 1. New regions?

The spatial setting: The Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) of the cross-border polycentric metropolitan regions (CBPMRs)

right: core spaces for increased cross-border cooperation in the case study region – results from a Delphi study, differentiated for the national backgrounds of the responding experts left: cross-border institutions and their perimeter within the Upper Rhine region 1. New regions?

2. Metropolitan regions? VI = Vienna: alpha city (in 4 th of ten world city categories) GN = Geneva: beta city (6/10) CP = Copenhagen: beta city (6/10) LX = Luxembourg: beta city (6/10) BV = Bratislava: gamma-plus city (8/10) (Basel and Strasbourg are mentioned as showing “sufficiency” but are not included in this map) CBPMR-cities in the GaWC-monitor (marked in red) each square indicates a metropolis, and its position roughly represents the position on the world map (source: GaWC 2008; own graphic).

Economic control in CBPMRs – applying the FOCI approach: -diversity of cases -polycentric structure -asymmetric metropolitan quality in all cases 2. Metropolitan regions?

Metropolitan accessibility? Number of flights per day and airport for the two case study regions and their surrounding areas 2. Metropolitan regions?

3. cross-border regions ? Fig. 3 (p. 38): Cross-border commuters in metropolitan areas, 2000 and 2006 (sources and spatial units: see appendix, chapter 9)

3. cross-border regions ? Commuting flows in the Upper Rhine Commuting is an overall domestic phenomenon... can override border effects, but does not always do.

3. cross-border regions ? (postal survey 2009/10, University of the Saarland; n=75) Economy: the example of the automotive industry in the Greater Region -relatively even distribution of economic activities in this sector in all subregions -hardly cross-border cooperation on regional level -mostely due to lack of information)

What role for the EU? Results from the Delphi study (n GR= 156, n UR =89) 4. Political conclusions?

Institutional Mapping of CBPMRs x-axis: institutional level y-axis: geographical scope (CEPS/ Instead 2010)

The five most important barriers for an enhanced cross-border cooperation in both case study regions (Delphi study) 4. Political conclusions?

The most relevant policies for increased cross-border cooperation (Delphi Study) 4. Political conclusions?

Bruxelles Lille Aachen- Liège- Maastricht Rhein/Main Lux. Strasbourg Nancy Kaiserslautern Arlon Lux. Core FUA Neighbouring domestic metropolises Main Institutional focus CBPMR Neighbouring CBPMRs Central CBPMR Cities Metropolitan Corridors Neighbouring FUA Surrounding FUA Functional Urban Areas Saarbrücken Thionville Metz Trier B F D L

ESPON Seminar Liège, Belgium METROBORDER Cross-border polycentric metropolitan regions Tobias Chilla, University of Luxembourg, on behalf of the TPG