World History Chapter 5B Warring City-States
Rule and Order in Greek City-States City-states (polis) were fundamental political units of Greece Greek political structures -Monarchy-Kings rule -Aristocracy-Rule by a small group of landowners -Oligarchy-Government ruled by a few powerful people (wealthy merchants and artisans)
A New Kind of Army Emerges The army uses iron weapons All members of society are in the army They march side by side, holding a spear in one hand, shield in the other forming a Phalanx
Sparta Builds a Military State Sparta conquers Messenia and makes them helots-peasants forced to stay on the land they farmed Spartan Government and society: -An Assembly-all free adult males -Council of Elders-propose laws that the assembly votes on -Ephors-elected officials that carry out laws Sparta had two kings at a time
Spartan Society was Built on the Military Boys were sent to the army at the age of 7 The Spartans valued duty, strength, and discipline
Athens Builds a Limited Democracy Athenian reformers try to create a Democracy- rule by the people Only adult free males were citizens Women, slaves, and foreigners were excluded Solon reforms laws -New legal concept declares citizens could charge wrongdoers -He encouraged trade which made Athens powerful
Solon the Law Giver
The Persian Wars Greek colonies in Asia Minor (Turkey) are attacked by Persia-Athens tries to help In 490 B.C. King Darius attacks Athens and its allies and is defeated at the Battle of Marathon Darius’ son Xerxes attacks again in 480 B.C. The Persians are defeated at the sea Battle of Salamis and the land Battle of Plataea The Delian League is formed by 140 City- States-Athens is the leader
Battle of Thermopile
TA5C Read Pages Copy & Define terms on Page 139 Copy & Answer Questions 13 & 14 on Page 150