Experimental Beampipes: Status and Outlook Ray Veness / AT-VAC For the beampipe team With many thanks to the experiment’s installation and coordination teams
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Contents o Last update to LEMIC in October 07 o ATLAS central section installations o VAX zones o Recent activities o Major installations in ATLAS and CMS o Looking forward o Access to chambers for NEG activation or removal o Consolidation activities o AT-VAC structure o Summary
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness ATLAS: Lab activities o LUCID Integration o Both LUCID detectors have been integrated in between the VJ chamber and support by the LUCID/VAC team o VJ assemblies ready for installation in B.927 o Bakeout test (Jan ’08) o Half-length of ATLAS, fully NEG-coated, comprised of reserve chambers and supports o Tested NEG activation procedure, bakeout performance and support displacements due to thermal expansion o Also tested thermal load on LUCID with cooling during bakeout o No problems seen Integration of LUCID onto VJ in B.927 Bakeout test in B.927
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness ATLAS: Cavern activities o VJ installation test (Jan ’08) o VJ assembly with dummy LUCID was installed in the cavern o Initial leak problems with TAS seal disappeared after few days o Envelope conflicts discovered with forward shielding – being resolved o Gas Injection System o Table + Injection Line + Pumping Line are all installed and being commissioned o baking, test of all instrumentation and connection to PVSS – Should be completed tomorrow VJ reserve chamber installed in ATLAS
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness ATLAS: Cavern Activities (2) o Bakeout heater testing (in progess) o ATLAS bakeout jackets integrated into chambers o Permanent cabling down to cavern racks o detector closed during first bakeout, so no access to heaters o Tests to verify heater and thermocouple connections before endcap closure o Also test interlocks with PIXEL thermal control system o Remaining activities o Closing of endcaps around chambers o VT and VJ chambers (installation and test) plus final commissioning o 38 days of VAC activities before ready- for-beam (2 July by current schedule) VA chamber installed in ATLAS
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness ALICE o RB24 installation o RB24 (non-experimental side) chambers and supports are being installed o ALICE final commissioning o RB 24 NEG activation week 21 (19/5) o ALICE ultra-pure gas pumping week 22 (26/5)
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness CMS: Lab Activities o Reserve chambers ready and NEG coated: o Central pipe (stainless steel) o HF/CT2 (NEG coating in progress) o Forward pipe o NO SPARE for End-cap pipe o Installation tooling o Lifting beams and installation tooling all ready (and now in use!) o Common Be spare section o The prototype 1m long x 58mm ID beryllium chamber has been re-fitted as a spare o Stainless steel ends allow for the assembly at CERN of a spare for ALICE, ATLAS or CMS central pipes- these additional pieces have not been made o Status: Delivered to CERN, acceptance tests complete, in storage
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness CMS: Cavern Activities o Forward pipe o Installed Mar ‘08 o Leak problems with TAS seal, eventually resolved o Central pipe o Installed Apr ’08 o Leak tested OK o HF/CT2- assembly o Installed 25/4/08 o Gas injection system o Installed in cavern, connections in progress o Commissioning expected ~20 th May o Remaining tasks o End cap pipe ‘-’ due for installation tomorrow o 45 days of VAC activities before chamber commissioned on 16 th June - ! o Installation and bakeout teams in parallel o Pure gas filling, PIXEL installation, final closing and pumping come after this Central Pipe installation HF/CT2 chambers installed on ‘-’ side
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness LHCb o Recent activites o Re-configuring beampipe protection for detector tests o VELO testing o VELO handover meetings – still some details to agree o Reserve chambers o UX85/1 chamber: o large leak discovered during final testing before sending for NEG coating o CERN workshops will re-manufacture another spare for end May 08 o UX85/2 and /3 chambers mechanically complete and tested o Remaining activities o Final pure gas pump-out to be scheduled o Dates need to be coordinated with other experiments
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Access to, or Removal of Beampipes o Possible scenarios requiring access or removal o Re-activation of NEG following extended use [normal] o Re-activation of NEG following accidental saturation [urgent] o Leak in beampipe due to damage during intervention [critical] o Current Situation o All experimental vacuum chambers are ‘single point failure’ items for the LHC machine o One spare exists (or will before first beam) for most chambers o Exceptions are: CMS endcap pipe, ALICE RB26 chambers o Spares for beryllium chambers are in stainless steel for ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and aluminium for LHCb o A 1m beryllium section with stainless steel ends exists at CERN as a common replacement for ATLAS, ALICE and CMS o NEG activation equipment o ATLAS and ALICE-RB26 equipment is permanently installed o ALICE-central pipe, CMS and LHCb equipment is (basically) removable
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Access to, or Removal of Beampipes (2) o Proposed Actions o Produce a spare CMS endcap pipe [but not ALICE RB26 chambers?] o Evaluate (VAC+Experiments) the time for these ‘long’ interventions o Inform and get approval from LHC managment o Depending on results, either: o Look for ‘emergency’ methods of reducing these access times o Consider additional procedures or access restrictions to minimise chance of access being required Time to activate NEG Time to remove chamber ATLASShortLong (VI) ALICE CPLong ALICE RB26ShortLong CMSShort LHCbShort? (VELO)
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Currently Requested Consolidation Activities o ATLAS o Replace stainless steel VA chambers with aluminium (2 years) o Replacement VI beryllium chamber for PIXEL upgrade (5 years) o ATLAS and CMS (inner triplet upgrade) o Replace TAS chambers with larger diameter (3 years) o Re-design and replace remote flanges with larger diameter versions (3 years) o Re-design and replace 19m pumping stations with larger diameter versions (2 years) o LHCb o Replace defective UX85/3 beryllium chamber – approval in progress (Target: 2009/10 shutdown) o Re-optimise UX85/2 and UX85/3 fixed supports for lower-Z versions (Target: 2009/10 shutdown) o Replace stainless steel with aluminium bellows (2 years) o Replace VELO boxes (VAC support for NIKHEF) (TBD) Dates are estimates for design and manufacture from time of project approval
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Experimental Vacuum: Re-structuring for Operation o Completion of installation o The AT-VAC/EN section (R.Veness) remains the contact for completing the installation of the experimental sectors o Vacuum operation o The AT/VAC-LHC section (V.Baglin) will take over operation of the experimental sectors from commissioning- operational questions should be addressed to him o Interventions, consolidation and upgrade o R.Veness will be the contact for planning annual shutdown activities o AT/VAC-LHC will take over vacuum-related interventions o AT/VAC-EN will undertake mechanical interventions o AT/VAC-EN will be responsible for new beampipe and support design
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Summary o Installation of experiments o ALICE and LHCb largely complete - the few remaining activities must be carefully scheduled as resources are stretched o ATLAS final closure started, but still 38 days work remain o CMS going well – 3 chambers in last 2 weeks, still 4 more to install, 45 more days of activity o Operation and consolidation o Access scenarios and times need to be clarified and agreed by management o Please make sure we are included early in planning the 2008/9 shutdown o We will need to coordinate between all experiments and find extra resources if justified by volume of work o Work is starting on consolidation tasks, we need to: o Verify the list of tasks o Agree the scope, schedule and financing
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Additional Material
LEMIC 29 IV 08Beampipe Status - R.Veness Contract timescale for Phase 1 beryllium pipes Market survey placed Finance committee approval for contract placement Call for tenders Contract placed ATLAS chamber delivered to CERN Chamber assembled ready for installation Integration into PIXEL starts in SR1 Total contracting and manufacture: 4 years, 2 months Installation in ATLAS starts Total project duration: 6 years, 5 months Engineering design agreed