Cargo Dock 16: Pre-Bid Meeting Presentation June 13, 2013
AGENDA 1. Introductions – Eddie Campirano, Port Director 2. Agenda Overview – Mike Krieber, HDR 3. Safety Discussion – Mike Davis, Harbormaster 4. Project Overview Presentation – Mike Krieber, HDR 5. Q & A Session – Mike Krieber, Moderator
AGENDA (continued) 6. Site Visit – Ariel Chávez II, Port Engineer Existing Cargo Dock 15 – similarities & differences to Cargo Dock 16 plans Contractor Limitations Due to Dock 15 Operations Storm water line – warehouse use & road crossings Water main crossing Vessel use of mooring structure during construction / new west side mooring structure construction Construction limits / laydown area Demolition / salvage New Railroad Crossing - construction access point 7. Return to Board Room – Q&A 8. Closing Comments – Eddie Campirano, Port Director
Dock 15 / 16 Area
TIGER Grant Requirements Buy American 10% Minimum DBE Requirement Buy American
BASE BID Match Channel Depth
BASE BID Cross Section
PRIMARY DIFFERENCES Base Bid PZ 40 Sheet Pile on Face 6 Bents in Relieving Platform Same mooring structure on east and west sides Alternate Bid Combination Wall (longer piles) 7 Bents in Relieving Platform (longer piles) West mooring structure connects to existing mooring structure 300 LF “In-fill” Bulkhead
DREDGING US Army Corps of Engineer Permit Mechanical excavation required adjacent to bulkhead (see Note 10, Sheet 01 C01) Side casting allowed DMPA 8 disposal; permit allows for use of additional DMPAs – to be coordinated and approved by Port
WORK RESTRICTIONS Found in Specification Coordinate with the Harbormaster Storm Sewer Road Crossings East Mooring Structure $5000 FINE if Dock 15 secure area is breached Ship mooring line handlers need access to wood pile bollard within project area
ANTICIPATED ADDENDUMS Bid Submittal Due: July 10, 5:00 pm Bid Opening: July 10, 5:30 pm Bid Award: July 24, 2013 BND Board Meeting Substantial completion: February 28, 2015 Final Completion: March 31, 2015 Base Bid required Bid Bond clarification Bid Form clarifications
ANTICIPATED ADDENDUMS (cont’d) Job trailer for Port’s on-site representative to be provided by Contractor $5000 fine for Dock 15 security area breach Access for use of wood pile bollard & delayed demolition Early completion of West Bollard construction
BASIS OF AWARD 2 Bids to be evaluated: Base Bid & Alternate Bid. Based upon the bids and other financial conside- rations, the Brownsville Navigation District may make a selection of the desired facility (Base Bid OR Alternate Bid). Once the desired facility is determined, the Dis- trict may award the contract to the responsible bidder submitting the lowest and best bid for the selected facility. The District may reject any or all bids.
Schedule Bids Due5:00 PM – July 10, 2013 Bid Opening5:30 PM – July 10, 2013 Award Contract July 24, 2013 Board Mtg. Notice to ProceedAugust, 2013 Substantial CompletionFebruary 28, 2015 Final CompletionMarch 31, 2015
Thank You Discussion