Identifying ressources for ASKIA and modalities for Member countries contributing Virtual ressources to be included in ASKIA portal as part of the AVLIN Knowledge hub Mohamed Timoulali –GTOPIC sarl Rabat -Morocco The African Internet Governance Forum – AfIGF September2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The African Virtual Library Network (AVLIN) pre conference Workshop 1
Content 2 - Introduction - Resources sharing - Information Resources Sharing - Organizations for Resources Sharing - Examples - Major Issues - Enabling Environment - Conclusion
3 Introduction - The current state of information handling is sufficient to support and encourage the sharing of resources among libraries. - The present decade has seen a greatly renewed interest in library cooperation and mutual benefits, prominently at national, Regional and international levels.
Resource Sharing It mean utilizing information resources of one library for generating services of another library Resource sharing is a mode of library operation whereby all or part of the library functions are shared in common among several libraries, as the goal of resource sharing is to maximize the availability of materials and services at the minimum expense. Resource sharing encompasses information, bibliographical and textual database, cooperative acquisition, cataloguing, manpower, equipment, expertise and services. Resource sharing via network implies automation, data communication and effective cooperation.
Need for Resource Sharing Multiplicity of documents in different subjects, languages and formats; Diversity of user groups and their information needs; Access to existing information and services at less cost; Increase in Quantity/Cost; Space constraint; Budget constraint.
Information Resource Sharing Functions Cooperative collection development among member libraries Cooperative processing of information resources acquired through consortium Access to all the e-resources available in member libraries
Organization for Resource Sharing Digitization of valuable and rare collections of member libraries available in printed format and providing access to such materials to the members of all the libraries of the consortium Developing common interface to catalogues, databases and e-collection by creating portals Creating inter-operability among member systems, databases and services
8 Examples - National Documentation Centre - National Institut for Information Science and Technology - Agricultural Documentation Network - Academic Librairies - Public librairies
9 1 - CND
10 ABHATOO : Portail documentaire du CND MARAACID : Portails de veille CND MAALAMA Bibliographique ROFOOF : OPAC du CND FIHRISTE Thesaurus CND MAKNAZ 1.1 Online Services
12 - La base de données des compétences ( - Le catalogue de la bibliothèque ( - Le catalogue national des thèses et mémoires ( - Le portail des revues scientifiques marocaines ( 2.1 Electronic Platforms developed by IMIST
13 - La lettre de l'IMIST - Le BIT-IAA : Le Bulletin d’Information Technologique Industrie - Le BIT-CPC : Le Bulletin d’Information Technologique Chimie- Parachimie électronique - Maroc Bibliométrie : Technology monitoring Publications
Réseau Algérien de Documentation Agricole (RADA)
Academic Librairies Among the issues in African University librairies: - Budget for digitalization - Distribution and access to digital information - User requirements and expectations - The Librarian changing role - New Technolgy for managing digital content
17 5- Public Librairies
21 Resource Identification Technology Infrastructure Pricing Issues Access Related Issues Licensing and Copyright Issues Sustainability Issues Usage and Usability Issues Major issues
22 - Open Data Acces Policies and Strategies - Legislations on the Right to Access information - Agreed modalities for AVLIN/ ASKIA project - Appropriate ICT infrastructure Enabling Factors
25 Conclusion - Identification of the AVLIN members for the Resources sharing - Agreement on modalités for Ressources sharing - Test period and evaluation - Explore Mobile Access
Mohamed Timoulali GTOPIC sarl Tel: Fax: GSM: