Employment Sub Group September 06
Who are we? Sue Graham – Learning Curve Sue Graham – Learning Curve Julian Hillman – Mencap Julian Hillman – Mencap Laura Hanbury– Connexions Laura Hanbury– Connexions Jon Cooke – Learning Curve Jon Cooke – Learning Curve Madeline Cooper Ueki – Ealing Consortium Madeline Cooper Ueki – Ealing Consortium Tazi Aktar – Service User Tazi Aktar – Service User Marcia Gordon – LBE Training and Development Marcia Gordon – LBE Training and Development Nick Walsh– Disability West Nick Walsh– Disability West
Employment- our aims Finding more paid jobs Finding more paid jobs More work experience and voluntary work More work experience and voluntary work Help to stay in work Help to stay in work Working with young people in transition Working with young people in transition Training for staff Training for staff
How are we doing? More people now have jobs 54 people now in paid employment 54 people now in paid employment Our aim this year is people in unpaid employment or work experience 76 people in unpaid employment or work experience
What is happening? Training For Staff We have visited other employment projects Staff have had benefits training We have attended conferences and meetings We have made links with staff working in other London boroughs
What is happening? Transition Connexions are providing information and advice to help young people find work Connexions are providing information and advice to help young people find work Employment event was held in May Employment event was held in May Transition workshops at St Ann’s school throughout the year Transition workshops at St Ann’s school throughout the year
What is happening? Finding more jobs EMAPP will help us look at ways of working with employers from ethnic minority communities EMAPP will help us look at ways of working with employers from ethnic minority communities We are finding jobs for people in their own communities and near to where they live We are finding jobs for people in their own communities and near to where they live
What is happening? Finding more jobs Learning Curve have got extra money to employ a part time outreach worker Learning Curve have got extra money to employ a part time outreach worker Made links with other groups in the council to make sure employment is included in their plans Made links with other groups in the council to make sure employment is included in their plans
What is happening? Finding more jobs There will be some paid jobs for people with a learning disability to update the Partnership Boards website There will be some paid jobs for people with a learning disability to update the Partnership Boards website People with a learning disability will get paid for interviewing staff People with a learning disability will get paid for interviewing staff
What is happening? Finding more jobs Ealing Consortium have created 4 part time paid work experience posts Ealing Consortium have created 4 part time paid work experience posts They plan to offer more people paid work and they have created a supported employment pay scale They plan to offer more people paid work and they have created a supported employment pay scale
What is happening? Finding more jobs Ealing Mencap have got funding to set up a volunteering Project. Ealing Mencap have got funding to set up a volunteering Project. 30 people will be able to do voluntary work in gardening and cleaning 30 people will be able to do voluntary work in gardening and cleaning
What is happening? Finding more jobs We have suggested some ways that the PCT, Ealing Council and the West London Mental Health Trust could employ more people with disabilities
What is happening? Finding more jobs There are plans for Ealing to introduce a modern apprenticeship scheme. There are plans for Ealing to introduce a modern apprenticeship scheme. We are working with Ealing’s training and development department to increase the number of work experience opportunities for people with disabilities. We are working with Ealing’s training and development department to increase the number of work experience opportunities for people with disabilities. Work Experience Policy
Help to stay in work What is happening? We are getting better information about the number of people in work We are getting better information about the number of people in work We have set up a support group for people in work We have set up a support group for people in work Buddy scheme to support people in work – Learning Curve and Stirling Rd Buddy scheme to support people in work – Learning Curve and Stirling Rd
What is going well? More people in work More people in work More people in work experience More people in work experience Employment plan in place Employment plan in place Better links with other partners Better links with other partners
What can we do better? More people want to find paid work More people want to find paid work Make sure that unpaid work placements lead to paid jobs Make sure that unpaid work placements lead to paid jobs Make sure that people from ethnic minority communities have the same job opportunities as everyone else Make sure that people from ethnic minority communities have the same job opportunities as everyone else The benefits system prevents a lot of people from working full time. The benefits system prevents a lot of people from working full time.
One of our success stories Allison is going to talk about her job with the Crown Prosecution Service About the job About the job Getting started Getting started What’s going well What’s going well The future The future