Ambient air pollution and waste incineration in Poland – Intereg 3 Programme National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland, 11 May 2006 Dr. hab. Michal.


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Presentation transcript:

Ambient air pollution and waste incineration in Poland – Intereg 3 Programme National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland, 11 May 2006 Dr. hab. Michal Krzyzanowski Regional Adviser, Air Quality and Health WHO Regional Office for Europe Ambient air pollution in Europe: how it harms health Zanieczyszczenie powietrza: jak szkodzi ono zdrowiu?

«Systematic Review of health aspects of air quality in Europe», 2002/4 WHO programme supporting development of EC Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) strategy

WHO assessment of health risk of long-range transboundary air pollution WHO collaborates with UN Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution

Anthropogenic contribution to PM2.5 EMEP Eulerian model MSC-W & IIASA Source: MSC-W & CIAM Grid-average concentrations, annual mean [µg/m 3 ] from known anthropogenic sources excluding sec. org. aerosols Average of calculations for 1997, 1999, 2000 & 2003 meteorologies

Trends in PM10 concentration: EU, Source: AIRBASE

Sector contributors to PM2.5 in EU15, 2000 Source: EMEP 2005

Sector contributors to PM10 in Poland, Source: IOS 2005

Risk for all-cause mortality and air pollution - WHO meta-analysis of short term studies Source: WHO 2004

Long term exposure to PM and risk of mortality in ACS cohort (ca. 0.5 million people followed for 16 years) Source: Pope et al, JAMA 2002

Long term exposure to PM and risk of CVD mortality (ACS cohort, ca. 0.5 million people followed for 16 years) Source: Pope et al, JAMA 2002 Cause of death RR per 10  g/m 3 PM2.5 95% c.i. Total – 1.11 Cardiopulmonary – 1.16 Lung cancer – 1.23 All other – 1.06

Modelled PM2.5 concentrations in the Los Angeles Basin (Jerrett, Epidemiology Nov. 2005)

Risk of mortality due to long term PM2.5 exposure (Jerett, Epidemiology 2005) Adjusted RR ~ over 10 µg/m 3 PM2.5 contrast for all cause mortality (two -three times as large as the inter-urban effect published by Pope in 2002) Lung cancer and heart disease RR range from

Rate Ratios for total mortality and PM2.5 in extended Harvard 6-cities Study (Laden et al, 2006) Period 1: ; Period 2:

Long term air pollution exposure and acceleration of atherosclerosis and vascular inflammation in an animal model (Sun et al, JAMA Dec 2005)

Loss of life expectancy due to PM2.5 from anthropogenic sources Source:EMEP & IIASA Loss of Life expectancy in months

Loss of life expectancy due to PM2.5 from anthropogenic sources Source:EMEP & IIASA Loss of Life expectancy in months Poland

Estimates of health impacts of anthropogenic PM in EU Source:CAFE 2005

WHO AQG: Global update 2005: Summary of updated AQG values PollutantAveraging timeAQG value Particulate matter PM 2.5 PM 10 1 year 24 hour (99 th percentile) 1 year 24 hour (99 th percentile) 10 µg/m 3 25 µg/m 3 20 µg/m 3 50 µg/m 3 Ozone, O 3 8 hour, daily maximum100 µg/m 3 Nitrogen dioxide, NO 2 1 year 1 hour 40 µg/m µg/m 3 Sulfur dioxide, SO 2 24 hour 10 minute 20 µg/m µg/m 3 AQG levels recommended to be achieved everywhere in order to significantly reduce the adverse health effects of pollution

Ambient air pollution and waste incineration in Poland – Intereg 3 Programme National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland, 11 May Dziękuję za uwagę