How to Write A Research Paper
Choosing a Topic Select a Topic that you are interested in. Select a Topic that you are interested in. Topic should be broad rather than narrow Topic should be broad rather than narrow –Example: Global Warming not Global Warming in Missouri. Topic must fit into the overall theme of the class or content area. Topic must fit into the overall theme of the class or content area. –Example: Over Population not Jay-Z
Looking for Information Always write down or print out where your information came from including: Always write down or print out where your information came from including: –Title –Author –Page Number Use several sources not just one Use several sources not just one Use information sources that include factual information. Use information sources that include factual information.
Information Gathering Use information that is up to date. Use information that is up to date. –2000 or newer Use a variety of sources Use a variety of sources –Magazines –Books –Online You don’t have to read a whole book. Start in the index. You don’t have to read a whole book. Start in the index.
Writing an Outline Start with a broad outline and work to a more specific one. Start with a broad outline and work to a more specific one. Always have between 3 and 6 ideas for each main topic. Always have between 3 and 6 ideas for each main topic. Never write a research paper without an outline. Never write a research paper without an outline.
Formatting your Paper Your papers at HMJH will need to be written in MLA citation. Your papers at HMJH will need to be written in MLA citation. Always follow the MLA format. Always follow the MLA format. –12 point Font; Times New Roman –Double Spaced –1 in. margins
Writing your paper Follow your outline Follow your outline Never put someone else's ideas in your paper and not give them credit for it. Never put someone else's ideas in your paper and not give them credit for it. YOU MUST always cite where you got information that is not your own original thought. YOU MUST always cite where you got information that is not your own original thought. First drafts are never perfect. Always have someone proof your paper. First drafts are never perfect. Always have someone proof your paper.
Bibliography Bibliography tells someone where you got your information. Bibliography tells someone where you got your information. Bibliographies go at the end of the paper. Bibliographies go at the end of the paper e/557/01/ e/557/01/ e/557/01/ e/557/01/