Welcome to De Anza!. Agenda In-class Writing Workshops Tomorrow Homework: Continue writing your first draft. Catching Up.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to De Anza!

Agenda In-class Writing Workshops Tomorrow Homework: Continue writing your first draft. Catching Up

In-class Writing Everyone belongs in this class Grades are beside your name. You should expect similar feedback, but in more detail, for the remaining essays. The grades do not count. You received full credit for the essay.

In-class Writing The diagnostic essay is closest to the argumentative essay. You are currently writing a personal narrative, and after you write your argumentative essay you will write an analytical essay. Some general points: –If you go through the process of drafting and revising according to feedback that I give you your grade will most likely be an A or a B. –Many introductions were weak. Your introduction should end with your thesis and should lead directly to the points you will develop in your essay. You should not refer to the totality of human history and time. You should also limit the geographical scope of your argument.

In-class Writing If you refer to groups that you do not belong to, you should imagine the point of view of the groups that you refer to. In other words, you should be very careful when you write about groups that you do not belong to. Your grade will fall if you argue based on stereotypes. On the other hand, you hold some authority when you write about groups that you do belong to or that you are close to. Still, it is possible that even if you belong to a group you accept false stereotypes about that group. It is even more possible that you accept false stereotypes if you base your views of a whole group on one or two friends that you have who belong to that group.

Outlines Exchange your outline with at least one other person. Write your name on the outline or outlines that you read. You will turn your outline in with your first draft. If you have not yet done your journal or have not received feedback see me now.

Workshopping Tomorrow we will do writing workshops on your first draft. You do not need to print the draft if you have a laptop that someone else can read from. In other words, your draft should be available either on paper or on a laptop that you provide. Write your name on the drafts that you read, or write your name on a piece of paper along with your comments. When you turn in your final draft you should also turn in your first draft.

Workshopping Your final draft will be evaluated according to ideas and development, organization, and language use. Ideas and Development –The writer is the main character of a story told by the essay. –The story is not just about the writer, but also about social relationships. –The problem is not just a personal problem of the writer, but a problem that others share. –The essay gestures towards social changes that can solve the problem or make the problem less severe.

Workshopping Your final draft will be evaluated according to ideas and development, organization, and language use. Organization –Appropriate paragraph breaks –Flow: transitions, topic sentences, paragraphs stay on topic –Introduction that leads directly to the body of the essay and orients the reader –Conclusion that gives a sense of completeness and also a sense of direction

Workshopping Your final draft will be evaluated according to ideas and development, organization, and language use. Language Use –Do not workshop for grammar and mechanics. –If you want, you can give some help with usage. In general, you want to use words in a way that would be accepted by native speakers of US English.

Homework Keep your outline, and turn it in with your first draft. Bring the first draft of your personal narrative to class tomorrow or Friday. I advise you to write your introduction after you have written the body of your essay.