1 CS 791z Special Topics on Software Engineering Spring 2015 Course Syllabus January 26, 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

1 CS 791z Special Topics on Software Engineering Spring 2015 Course Syllabus January 26, 2015

2 Outline The Instructor The Instructor The Students The Students The Course The Course The Texts & Initial WWW Pointers The Texts & Initial WWW Pointers Grading Scheme & Grading Scale Grading Scheme & Grading Scale Policies Policies Summary of Course Objectives Summary of Course Objectives A Look Ahead A Look Ahead

3 The Instructor. Sergiu Dascalu Room SEM-236 Telephone Web-site Office hours:   T 11: :00 pm or by appointment or chance

4.The Instructor Sergiu Dascalu PhD, Dalhousie U., Halifax, NS, Canada, 2001 Teaching and research at UNR since July 2002 Teaching and research at Dalhousie University, (software engineering focus) Teaching and research at the University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania, (RTS focus) Consultant for software development companies in Canada and Romania

5 The Students Registered as of today: 7 graduate students Prerequisite: Instructor’s approval

6 The Course. Classroom: Classroom: SEM-201, TR 2:30 - 3:45 pm This course will explore research topics on software engineering (SE), encompassing principles, methods, and tools. Areas of research include software processes, requirements analysis and specification, design, prototyping, implementation, validation and verification, UML- based modeling, model driven engineering, integrated development environments, and case studies. Outline : This course will explore research topics on software engineering (SE), encompassing principles, methods, and tools. Areas of research include software processes, requirements analysis and specification, design, prototyping, implementation, validation and verification, UML- based modeling, model driven engineering, integrated development environments, and case studies.

7.The Course Outline [continued] : The course will allow the students to broaden their knowledge of software engineering concepts, principles, techniques and tools, study relevant research publications in the field, prepare and present a high quality software engineering project and, based on this project, write a paper that could be submitted to a scientific conference.

8 The Texts. Required texts: Research papers and book chapters indicated later by the instructor Possibly, a reference book that will be selected by Feb 2, 2015

9.The Texts Recommended textbooks: Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9 th edition, Addison-Wesley, Lecture notes: Lecture notes: Presentations by the instructor Presentations by the instructor Notes you take in the classroom Notes you take in the classroom Additional material (documentation, tutorials, etc.) that will be indicated later by the instructor Additional material (documentation, tutorials, etc.) that will be indicated later by the instructor

10 Initial WWW Pointers The course website: The course website: IEEE’s Digital Library, via IEEE’s Digital Library, via ACM Digital Library, via ACM Digital Library, via The Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University, The Software Engineering Institute, at Carnegie Mellon University, IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Council on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Council on Software Engineering, The Object Management Group, The Object Management Group, IBM / Rational Software, IBM / Rational Software,

11 Grading Scheme. Grading Scheme for CS 791z students (tentative): Grading Scheme for CS 791z students (tentative): Assignments (assigned readings) 15% Presentations 15% Midterm test 20% Project/Paper 45% Class participation 5% TOTAL 100%

12.Grading Scheme Passing conditions (): Passing conditions (all must be met): 50% overall & 50% overall & 50% in test & 50% in test & 50% in project and paper & 50% in project and paper & 50% in assignments, presentations, and class participation 50% in assignments, presentations, and class participation For grade A: at least 90% overall, at least 90% in class participation and at least 60% in test For grade A: at least 90% overall, at least 90% in class participation and at least 60% in test Note that there are no make-up tests or homework in this course Note that poor class participation can significantly decrease your overall grade

13 Grading Scale Numerical-letter grade correspondence Numerical-letter grade correspondence A A A A B B B B B B C C C C C C D D D D D D F< 50 F< 50

14 Policies….. Late submission policy: Late submission policy: Maximum 2 late days per assignment/project deliverable Each late day penalized with 10% No subdivision of late days (e.g. in hours) No late days for presentations and test Example: a 90/100 worth assignment gets 81/100 if one day late (90*0.9 = 81) or 72/100 if two days late (90*0.8 = 72)

15.Policies…. Legal notices on the world-wide web: Read and comply with accompanying legal notices of downloadable material Legal notices on the world-wide web: Read and comply with accompanying legal notices of downloadable material Specify references used Specify references used Do not plagiarize (see next slide) Do not plagiarize (see next slide)

16..Policies… Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. Please read the policies of University of Nevada, Reno regarding academic dishonesty: Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. Please read the policies of University of Nevada, Reno regarding academic dishonesty:

17 …Policies.. Disability statement: If you have a disability for which you will need to request accommodations, please contact as soon as possible the instructors or the Disability Resource Center (Thompson Student Services - 107).

18 ….Policies. Academic success services: Your student fees cover usage of the Math Center ( or Tutoring Center ( or and University Writing Center ( or These centers support your classroom learning; it is your responsibility to take advantage of their services. Keep in mind that seeking help outside of class is the sign of a responsible and successful student.

19 …..Policies Statement on audio and video recording: Surreptitious or covert video-taping of class or unauthorized audio recording of class is prohibited by law and by Board of Regents policy. This class may be videotaped or audio recorded only with the written permission of the instructor. In order to accommodate students with disabilities, some students may be given permission to record class lectures and discussions. Therefore, students should understand that their comments during class may be recorded.

20 Summary of Course Objectives Course objectives: Course objectives: Extension of software engineering (SE) knowledge Extension of software engineering (SE) knowledge Study and presentation of relevant research work Study and presentation of relevant research work Development of a good quality software project Development of a good quality software project Overall improvement of research skills Overall improvement of research skills Writing a paper that can be submitted to a scientific conference or journal Writing a paper that can be submitted to a scientific conference or journal

21 A Look Ahead.. My intentions & expectations: My intentions & expectations: Provide guidance in the complex SE spectrum Provide guidance in the complex SE spectrum Help you be better prepared for research and development in SE Help you be better prepared for research and development in SE Guide you in writing an SE research paper Guide you in writing an SE research paper Hope that you will both work hard and enjoy your work in this course Hope that you will both work hard and enjoy your work in this course

22.A Look Ahead. Your intentions & expectations: Your intentions & expectations: Why do you take the course? Why do you take the course? What is your experience so far with SE? What is your experience so far with SE? In what ways do you think this course could help your professional development? In what ways do you think this course could help your professional development? What topics are you interested in? What topics are you interested in? What suggestions do you have for the instructor? What suggestions do you have for the instructor? Are you ready for the ride? Are you ready for the ride?

23..A Look Ahead Homework for Wednesday January 28 th : Homework for Wednesday January 28 th : Prepare a slides-based presentation about yourself, with emphasis on your professional profile Prepare a slides-based presentation about yourself, with emphasis on your professional profile Each student will have between 6 and 8 minutes to present, so prepare between 5 and 10 slides. You may include short video excerpts too. Each student will have between 6 and 8 minutes to present, so prepare between 5 and 10 slides. You may include short video excerpts too. I recommend that you cover: I recommend that you cover: General background General background Education achievements and status Education achievements and status Professional experience and accomplishments Professional experience and accomplishments Career goals Career goals Why are you interested in this SE class (see previous slide)? Why are you interested in this SE class (see previous slide)? [Other: hobbies, funny/interesting items from your experience] [Other: hobbies, funny/interesting items from your experience]