IN –What is the title of Unit 6? –Define the title.
Through Notes on Ecology OUT –Prepare yourself for the final
Limiting factor-anything that can slow, or limit, the growth of a population –Biotic-food –Abiotic-space, climate Carrying Capacity-maximum population of a particular species –Not a certain number –Changes with environment
Population Density-Number of individuals in relation to the space the population occupies (ex. Mice) Competition- organisms compete for limiting factors (space, sunlight, nutrients, water) niche-role of an organism in a community
Habitat-place where an organism lives Symbiosis- organism that live in direct, physical contact with each other –Example –Fungi live on roots of plants and absorb nutrients from soil and fungi are nourished by photosynthetic products from the plant
Mutualism- symbiosis that benefits both organism –Example-relationship between cow and bacteria –Cow benefits-bacteria digest cellulose in plants that cow eats –Bacteria benefits- cow provides a steady supply of food
Read Page What are characteristics of Human- centered environmental ethic? What are characteristics of deep ecology environmental ethic? Which one are you? Explain.