© Leadership4Change, LLC. 1 Facilitating Change as HR Professionals LCAHRM Breakfast February 12, 2008 Cindy Phillips, Ph.D Coaching & Consulting for Successful Change
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 2 4 Key Takeaways 1.Re-emphasize importance of being a “Business Partner” in change efforts 2.Greater insight into the Hows & Whys Change initiatives fail 3.Understanding of Kotter’s 8-Step Change Framework 4.Opportunity to Assess a Current Change - How are you doing? What else is needed?
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 3 Why does most Change go wrong?
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 4 Common Change De-Railers 1.Poor planning a)Too busy…Don’t “plan” at all b)“No big deal”…Underestimate the impact c)Oops…Unintended consequences d)Limited employee involvement 2.Insufficient communication a)Why? When? How? 3.Insufficient training or skill development 4.Lack of proper tools/equipment 5.Rewards systems not aligned a)Rewarding “no change” b)No consequences for not getting on board
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 5 Roles of the HR Professional Change Agent Change Facilitator Business Partner
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 6 Kotter’s 8 Steps to Transformation 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency 2. Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition 3. Create a Vision 4. Communicate the Vision 5. Empower Others to Act on the Vision 6. Plan for and Create Short-Term Wins 7. Consolidate Improvements & Produce More 8. Institutionalize New Approaches John Kotter - Winning at Change Establish a Sense of Urgency Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Anchor New Approaches in the Company Culture Consolidate Wins & Push for More Plan & Create Short-term Wins Empower Others to Act
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 7 Establish a Sense of Urgency Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Anchor New Approaches in the Company Culture Consolidate Wins & Push for More Plan & Create Short-term Wins Empower Others to Act Phase I - Preparation
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 8 Assembling the Guiding Coalition Consider members with: Yield power and influence Yield power and influence Authority to make key decisions Authority to make key decisions Respect and credibility of masses Respect and credibility of masses Cross-functional experience Cross-functional experience Resources to support the effort Resources to support the effort Recognition that people matter Recognition that people matter Change-related knowledge and expertise Change-related knowledge and expertise Vested interest in the outcomes Vested interest in the outcomes Potential to resist the effort Potential to resist the effort
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 9 Establish a Sense of Urgency Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Anchor New Approaches in the Company Culture Consolidate Wins & Push for More Plan & Create Short-term Wins Empower Others to Act Phase II - Direction
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 10 Create a Vision John Kotter suggests 6 characteristics: 1. Describes a desirable 2. Is compelling 3. Is realistic 4. Is focused 5. Is flexible 6. Is easy to communicate
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 11 Communicate the Vision What Employees Want To Know: 1. How is this relevant to what I do? 2. What specifically, should I do? 3. How will I be measured? What are the consequences or rewards? 4. What tools and support are available? 5. What’s in it for me? For us?
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 12 Which employees need to be contacted? Who should be contacted first? Environment What activities need to be conducted to communicate effectively? Activities How often do these activities need to be conducted? Frequency When should the activity be conducted? Timing What channels should be used to communicate the information? Channel Who is responsible for communication? Ownership Sample: Communication Plan
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 13 Establish a Sense of Urgency Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Anchor New Approaches in the Company Culture Consolidate Wins & Push for More Plan & Create Short-term Wins Empower Others to Act Phase III - Involvement
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 14 Handling Resistance Internal (I won’t) resistance - change at a personal level.Internal (I won’t) resistance - change at a personal level. External (I can’t) resistance - more structural, and tends to impact all employees.External (I can’t) resistance - more structural, and tends to impact all employees.
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 15 Establish a Sense of Urgency Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Anchor New Approaches in the Company Culture Consolidate Wins & Push for More Plan & Create Short-term Wins Empower Others to Act Phase IV – Build Momentum
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 16 Measuring Progress Forces us to identify what we are trying to change or fixForces us to identify what we are trying to change or fix Keeps momentum goingKeeps momentum going Maintains management’s attentionMaintains management’s attention Platform for recognition effortsPlatform for recognition efforts
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 17 Establish a Sense of Urgency Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition Create a Vision Communicate the Vision Anchor New Approaches in the Company Culture Consolidate Wins & Push for More Plan & Create Short-term Wins Empower Others to Act Phase V – Integration
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 18 Evaluate Systems Organizational StructureOrganizational Structure Decision Making/AuthoritiesDecision Making/Authorities Operational ProcessesOperational Processes Policies and GuidelinesPolicies and Guidelines Key Goals & MeasurementsKey Goals & Measurements Knowledge Sharing SystemsKnowledge Sharing Systems Work Environment (Safety, Cleanliness, Fun)Work Environment (Safety, Cleanliness, Fun) Ceremonies and EventsCeremonies and Events Leadership StyleLeadership Style Strategic PlanningStrategic Planning Rewards & RecognitionRewards & Recognition CommunicationsCommunications Training & DevelopmentTraining & Development Performance FeedbackPerformance Feedback Hiring/ Job SelectionHiring/ Job Selection Promotion/ Succession PlanningPromotion/ Succession Planning Risk-Taking/InnovationRisk-Taking/Innovation Organizational Systems or Processes
© Leadership4Change, LLC. 19 Tables Discussion