Usool Al Fiqh- Lesson 9 Declarative/Exclamatory sentence Linguistic/Conformational Indication Form of Command Form of Prohibition
THE NISBA (the tie or the link or the relationship) INTOXICANTS ARE PROHIBITED The NISBA is Prohibition It might be true or false When we say: PLEASE STAND UP, here the NISBA is standing up, it is not in an informative or declarative phrase so that it could be verified, it can be sensed that the speakers wants this NISBA to be existed, in his imagination, he wants the picture of demanding to become some thing which can be informed later, so if the person stands up, the speaker will say YOU ARE STANDING, and now such NISBA of the stand with the person standing can be verified.
Declarative/Exclamatory sentence The linguistics define the declarative sentence (JOMLAH KHABARIYAH) :It is a sentence which accepts to be true or false. The Exclamatory or requiring sentence (JOMLAH INSHAA-EYAH does not accept to be true or false. As mentioned in Logic or Usool the aim is the meanings, and the type of the link (NISBA) in the sentence in this case, the non-blended link or the relationship could be in to types.
Example: When initiating a trade contract in Islamic system the seller says: I have sold you the book for a dollar, the buyer says: I have accepted that sale or bought it. This type of sentence is exclamatory, because though the seller is using the past tense, but he is requesting a trade, asking the buyer to accept it. (the relation between the seller and the trade has not been established yet in the mind of the seller, he is trying to initiate it). But when the seller informs the buyer next day about his trade, I have sold you the book for a dollar (the relation between the seller and the trade already exists in the mind of the seller, so some one can say externally yes it happened or no it didn’t happen.
The difference in the type of relation The differences between the two sentences is in the tie or the link (NISBA) between the seller and the trade in the mind of the seller or the speaker of the words. Declarative sentence: The relation which exists externally, for example Ali (AS) is Imam, the relation exists in the mind of the speaker when he speaks, he already is Imam in his mind. Verification of the sentence and the accuracy of the NISBA or the tie (Imamat of Ali) is something which can be investigated.
The link (NISBA) or the tie does not exist Exclamatory sentence: The relation which has not been existed yet in the mind of the speaker, that is the reason he is demanding or requesting some thing to happen, and it requires to be existed externally, and since the NISBA does not existed in his mind, then this sentence can not be verified as true or false for example: O Imam Mahdi (AJ) please come. So the link between the requesting person and the action has not yet existed, that is why it can not accept to be true or false. Unlike the declarative sentence.
Linguistic Indication (TASAWORIYAH) It was mentioned previously that the word is an indicator to its meaning, and that indication is due to the tie or the mental link between them, by which when ever a word is pictured the minds jumps towards picturing the meaning of the word and this is called the linguistic indication, because the cause of the indication was the linguistic tie which exists between the word and the meaning which was postulated in the language system. Example: word see or sea and its meaning.
Conformational Indication (TASDIQIYAH) This type of Dilalah or indication is caused by the state (HAAL) and the intention (ERADA) of the speaker, so based on this there are two levels of this indication: 1.Intention of usage (Eraada ISTIMAALIYAH), the speaker is awake and aware of what he is speaking. 2.Serious Intention (Eraada Jidiyah), the speaker is serious and not joking.
Common elements in Verbal indications Form of Imperative verb (SEGHA of FE’L AMR): It is not the verb but the form of the verb which is postulated for the link between the requesting person and the action requested, the link or the tie which needs to exist or established. The Usoolist said that this form indicates obligation, but if they meant that it is a synonyms, i.e does (Do) mean obligation??
The Form of Command (DO) Segha (Form) of AMR (command) EF’AL (DO) has a link which literally is kept for the sending link which indicates the obligation, and the form is not a synonyms of obligation, it does not directly mean obligation. Metaphorically that means if there is a QAREENA or clue, then the indication is diverted to recommendation.
The form of prohibition (DON’T DO) Segha (Form) of NOHAY (Prohibition) LAA TAF’AL (DON’T DO) has a link which literally is kept for the preventing link which indicates the obligation, and the form is not a synonyms of Prohibition, it does not directly mean Prohibition. Metaphorically that means if there is a QAREENA or clue, then the indication is diverted to reprehensibility.