Grammar Welcome to Lesson #25 Today you will learn: 1. To understand synonyms. 2. To understand antonyms. Synonyms & Antonyms
Grammar What are they? The Secret of Nyms -as in Synonyms & Antonyms~ Nym comes from the Greek onoma, meaning name. Ant and syn are Greek words, too. Synonyms & Antonyms
Grammar Ant means opposite Syn means “like” or “same”. Now put them together with other words: Ant +(o) nym=antonym A word of opposite meaning! Synonyms & Antonyms
Grammar Syn + (o)nym = synonym A word of similar or like meaning! Now, you have discovered the secret of nym! Synonyms & Antonyms
Grammar Here are some examples: Synonyms: able/strong Yasmin is an able athlete and as strong as any member of the team. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are similar.
Grammar Here are some examples: Synonyms: add/sum up I’d like to add to the list before you sum up the results of the vote. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are similar.
Grammar Here are some examples: Synonyms: tired/exhausted I have exhausted my strength I am so tired. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are similar.
Grammar Here are some examples: Synonyms: careful/cautious Be cautious crossing the street; you can’t be too careful. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are similar.
Grammar Here are some examples: Antonyms: strong/weak You have to be strong and not weak when you run a long distance. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are opposites.
Grammar Here are some examples: Antonyms: lose/find If you lose your book, you will need to find it. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are opposites.
Grammar Here are some examples: Antonyms: absent/present Hosea was absent today, but his brother was present. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are opposites.
Grammar Here are some examples: Antonyms: hot/cold It was hot outside today, but it will be cold tonight. Synonyms & Antonyms Both words are opposites.
Grammar Let’s practice together: Synonyms & Antonyms
Grammar Think about synonyms & antonyms in your reading. Genesis 18:16-33 What is the antonym for blessing ? What is a synonym for blessing ? Synonyms & Antonyms
Putting it into Practice: Grammar Read the following passage: Genesis 18:16-33, The Message Respond in your journal on the following: 1.What is the main idea of this passage?
Grammar (Make sure you support your opinion by using the text) 2. Edit your journal entry for sentence structure and sentence lengths. 3. Record words you had trouble with. Use context clues /dictionary.
Good-Bye, until next time! I look forward to teaching you about Author’s Purpose in lesson 26. Until then, keep practicing and remember to enjoy reading while you do the CROPQV!