Derision [dih-rizh-uhn] — noun 1. the act of deriding; mockery; scorn 2. an object of ridicule The inept performance elicited derision from the audience. (Inept can mean clumsy and elicited can mean to bring out).
FLIPPANT –adjective frivolously disrespectful, shallow, or lacking in seriousness; characterized by levity The audience was shocked by his flippant remarks about patriotism. Tracey Resner
Platonic –adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Plato or his doctrines. 2. pertaining to, involving, or characterized by Platonic love as a striving toward love of spiritual or ideal beauty. 3. ( usually lowercase ) purely spiritual; free from sensual desire, especially in a relationship between two persons of the opposite sex. Sentence: Jack and Jill have a platonic relationship. Cassandra Cochran
Whimsical –adjective 1.Given to whimsy or fanciful notions; pixyish. 2.Of the nature of or proceeding from whimsy, as thoughts or actions: 3.Erratic; unpredictable: Sentence: He was too whimsical with regard to his work. Summer Groce
Trite –adjective, 1. lacking in freshness or effectiveness because of constant use or excessive repetition; hackneyed; stale. 2. characterized by hackneyed expressions, ideas, The commencement address was trite and endlessly long. google images
Petty –adjective, -ti·er, -ti·est. 1. of little or no importance or consequence: petty grievances. 2. of lesser or secondary importance, merit, etc.; minor: petty considerations. 3. having or showing narrow ideas, interests, etc.: petty minds. 4. mean or ungenerous in small or trifling things: a petty person. 5. showing or caused by meanness of spirit: a petty revenge. 6. of secondary rank, esp. in relation to others of the same class or kind: petty states; a petty tyrant. “The peasant’s petty grievances over the loss of his shrubbery was of no importance to the king.” <- not to be confused with “Tom Petty” Sources: Definition: Pictures:
Rancor Noun [rang-ker] Bitter, rankling resentment or ill will; hatred; malice. Amid the political rancor and sharp moral tensions that surround us domestically and abroad, our generation is ready to act.
Pretentious: [pri-ten-shuhs] –adjective 1. full of pretense (a false show of something) or pretension. 2. characterized by assumption of dignity or importance. 3. making an exaggerated outward show; ostentatious. Example: The girl’s pretentious demeanor initially intimidated her peers, but they later became exasperated with her showy antics. Synonyms: pompous, bombastic Katy Harvey
Choleric [kol-er-ik, kuh-ler-ik] By: Chelsey White Adjective 1.Extremely irritable or easily angered. 2.Obsolete Sentence: James has a very choleric personality.
Indignant - [in-dig-nuh-nt] By: Brandon Sneed -Adjective – Definition: Feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base. -Sentence: After the crude remarks, the man had an indignant expression on his face. - -/indignant/indignant