Hull-Warts and All Laura French Cornerhouse Peer Education Volunteer HYMS, Year 3
A Volunteer Perspective… Who am I? What do I do? What have I got to say?
Welcome to Kingston Upon Hull
Some facts and figures Teenage Pregnancy UK has worst rates in Western Europe Hull is in the 10% of local authorities with the highest rates of conception in age group (Social Exclusion Unit, ‘Report on Teenage Pregnancy’ 1999) In 2004 the conception rate amongst yr olds was 72 per 1000 (3 rd highest in country) England and Wales rate 41.7 (Teenage Pregnancy Unit)
STIs Chlamydia –1 in 4 sexually active young adults (<25yrs) in the city Syphilis –New infections up by 6,700% during (figures from Health Protection Agency report on STI rates by sex and region, )
HIV/AIDS In 2005, the highest number of new HIV diagnoses, outside of London SHA, were in the North West SHA, followed by East of England SHA, followed by Yorkshire and the Humber SHA with 485 new diagnoses (HPA ‘Distribution of HIV and other STIs across the United Kingdom’ 2006)
Why is Hull so bad?
Teenage Pregnancy According to Social Exclusion Unit Report, three factors stand out: –Low expectations Unemployment Education –Ignorance –Mixed messages ‘Sex is compulsory, but contraception is illegal’
A Social Exclusion Phenomenon? Cause and Consequence Risk Factors: –Poverty –Children of teenage mothers –Educational problems/post-16 education or work –Children in care –Sexual abuse –Mental health problems –Crime
Sexually Transmitted Infections
A brief historical digression…
STIs Ignorance –Half of under 16s and two thirds of year- olds do not use contraception when they start to have sex Myths and misconceptions ‘It won’t happen to me…’
What is being done?
Government Action Plan on Teenage Pregnancy Four main goals: –A national campaign including government, voluntary sector and others to improve understanding and change behaviour –Joined up action to coordinate local and national strategies –Better prevention; in and out of school education, access to contraception and a new focus on reaching young men
Action plan continued Better support for pregnant teenagers and teenage parents, with new focus on a return to education
In Hull… We have a local strategy, specific to local needs and targets –to reduce under 18 conceptions by 55% by 2010 from the 1998 baseline 1998 – 83.9 conception rate/ conceptions/1000 (15%) conceptions/1000 (55%) –to get 60% of teenage parents back into education and employment by 2010 –to reduce under 18 conception rates in worst fifth of wards by 60% (NRU) by 2010
‘ We have a local teenage pregnancy co-coordinator who works with appropriate agencies to ensure that young people get the accurate, understandable information about contraception and pregnancy. This helps young people to prevent unplanned conceptions or contract STIs, and supports young people who have become teenage parents. The four main areas of work are: better prevention improving sex and relationship education media and campaigns better support for teenage parents’
Cornerhouse Network Peer Education Boys and Young Men Working Women Outreach Aidsline Body Positive Training and Volunteering
Network… Is a Hull and East Riding Sexual Healthcare Partnership Works with a range of other services including Teenage Pregnancy Support Services (TPSS) Family planning clinics, Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) services, Teen clinics, Youth services, local colleges and universities, health promotion and many others.
Our Drop-In Is at a local Network Building; Conifer House Provides: ‘free confidential information to young people regarding sexual health matters, as well as issuing condoms and lubricants free of charge and offering testing for pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea. All without the need for an appointment.’
‘Better education, both in and out of school..’ Workshops in local schools and youth clubs, focussed around –Contraception –STIs –Self-esteem –Relationships –Informed choices
Is it working? Teenage pregnancy rates down STIs up Is it about statistics?
Conclusions Individual choices about sex, and parenthood, are never easy to understand Successful sex ed is not about moralising or controlling people’s decisions Neglect is where we have been going wrong
References and Links Health Protection Agency. ‘HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the UK:2006’ t%204/part4_distribution_of_HIV_STI_infections_UK.pdf t%204/part4_distribution_of_HIV_STI_infections_UK.pdf HPA. ‘Diagnoses of selected STIs by age, sex and region. UK ’ Social Exclusion Unit. Report on Teenage Pregnancy Teenage Pregnancy Unit. Under 18 conception data for top-tier local authorities (LAD1) LAD1 under 18 conception data geid=245 geid=245
Websites Cornerhouse Health Protection Agency Hull City Council ‘Why is teenage pregnancy an issue?’ &_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL &_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL Teenage Pregnancy Unit