The pillars of the NDP The Plan is founded on the six pillars: Mobilisation of all South Africans Active engagement of citizens in their own development Expansion of the economy & making growth inclusive Building of key capabilities (human, physical & institutional) Building a capable and developmental state Fostering of strong leadership throughout society 2
Population dynamics to 2030 Population projected to grow by 8.5 million to about 58.5 million in 2030 Urban population projected to rise by 11 million to 41 million HIV/Aids reduced life expectancy significantly up to 2005, this is now beginning to be reversed with anti-retroviral treatment 3
Youth Demographics Although South Africa’s population growth is slowing, our nation has proportionally higher numbers of young people. BUT TO DATE… 42% of young people between the ages of are unemployed 31% of young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are not in employment, education and training 7.3% of young people between the ages of years are living with HIV. One in five young people (2-million) were victims of theft; about one in 10 were robbed Between now and in 4 South African will be between the ages of
Specific Objectives of NYP 2020 In response to provisions within the NDP, Cabinet adopted the NYP 2020 on 27 May 2015 after a series of CONSULTATIONS by the Presidency. Objective of the NYP 2020 is toObjective of the NYP 2020 is to Foster a sense of national cohesion. acknowledge youth diversity and provide opportunities. It focuses on: MAINSTREAMING YD into government programmes, policies and BUDGETS; Strengthening YD MACHINERY; EMPOWERING young people, and therefore GUARANTEEING a sustainable future as per NDP Vision 2030; Building a Culture of PATRIOTISM; National, Democratic, non-sexist & united South Africa. Young people said: “WE WANT A HAND UP NOT A HANDOUT ” 6
Status of Youth at a Glance Education: Young People without Matric – 65%. Gradual Increase of TVET and University Entrants, but remain with a NEET of 3.5mil. Young Africans remain largely unskilled compared to white youth. Economic: High Youth Unemployment – more than one in three. Unacceptable number of unemployed graduates. Teenage pregnancy at highly unacceptable levels. 7
Status of Youth at a Glance Health: HIV prevalence rate amongst – 8.7% High levels of alcohol abuse, unprotected sex. violent behaviour and drug abuse. High numbers of young black males die due to unnatural causes. Tuberculosis and HIV main cause of youth death. Social Cohesion: Lack of sporting, cultural and recreational facilities (We want to PLAY). Fewer young people participate in election, stating concerns around JOBS, SERVICE DELIVERY, CORRUPTION, and TRUST. Youth Development Machinery: No adequate FRAMEWORK for YOUTH WORK. Persistent exclusion of Disabled Youth. 8
What does NYP 2020 Commit to? YD should be categorised into FIVE AREAS: Economic Transformation. Education and Skills Development. Healthcare and Healthy Lifestyles. National Unity and Social Cohesion. Optimisation of the YD Machinery. The Presidency is at the centre of MAINSTREAMING, CO-ORDINATING and OVERSIGHT of YD. Budgetary Commitments???? 9
Economic Transformation Youth employment/enterprise focused Industrial Policy & Beneficiation. Facilitation of First-Time entrants. Specific Youth Set-Asides in Procurement, incl in LOCALISED procurement. Review of Progress in terms of the Youth Employment Accord & Employment Tax Incentives. Access to Land, plus youth focused empowerment in key sectors of the economy. 10
Education and Skills Development Improve Quality of FET and Expand their numbers. More funding for academically deserving students from poor families. Recruit graduates into the Public Service. Commitments from SOE’s to train Artisans. Access to Information through IT development. Second Chances for OUT OF SCHOOL YOUTH. Gradual introduction of FREE EDUCATION up to University undergraduate levels. 11
Healthcare & Healthy Lifestyles Increased access to information & knowledge. around SEXUALITY issues. Responsive information, education & counselling to adolescents. Overall transformation of the healthcare system, including introduction of NHI. Reduced availability of DRUGS and ALCOHOL. Build support networks for rehabilitation etc. Availability of Sports & Recreational facilities at all communities. 12
National Unity and Social Cohesion Support & harness youth leadership at all levels and sectors. Confront systematic racism, whilst encouraging dialogue amongst youth. Use education, sports, arts and culture to foster intergration of young people beyond racial lines. The teaching of history in schools. National symbols, incl constitution, flag etc. A National Youth Service programme. Role of media, and knowledge institutions. 13
Optimisation of the YD Machinery Leadership by the Presidency is crucial in terms of co-ordination & mainstreaming of YD, also oversight of the WHOLE govt. Empower the NYDA through legislative changes. Ensure that all departments have Youth Directorates that implements NYP All provinces and municipalities to have dedicated youth service points & budgets. Ensure that the BUDGET reflects the commitment of govt towards YD. 14
Implementation… The PWG Task Team will oversee the implementation of government’s YD commitments. The WORK STREAMS will include implementation by ALL OTHER SECTORS. The commitments in the NYP2020 will be integrated into the MTSF , attached to specific OUTCOMES and for reporting to Cabinet The PWG on Youth will receive Annual Reports Co-ordination of Youth Focal Points. 15
What are the Quick Wins… 1 million NYS, with Expansion and Coordination Framework in place. 1 million SMME’s, with the MaraMentor launched. Jobs through a Youth Employment Programme. Workplace Skills Programme targetting unemployed graduates, first-time entrants & Grade 12. Reforming NSFAS, and developing a clear vision for Higher Education. Social Cohesion, with focus on Sports, Arts and Culture. IYDS and NYDA Act amendment to be finalised. 16
Way Forward We need everyone involved… We need everyone involved… Government alone cannot deal with all these CHALLENGES. All key sectors should be mobilised for YD. Young people are an IMPORTANT FORCE for YD. YD will require RADICAL & BOLD Initiatives/ Interventions. Systems and Measures for ACCOUNTABILITY to ensure Implementation. Nothing will move, if young people are not at the centre of YD. 17
Thank You Thank you! Dr R.Bernice Hlagala 18