Autumn Year 7 PSE What is PSE? Quest/ Passport Starting secondary school Quest/ Passport The 5 R’s of success Quest/ Passport Homework Action Plan Quest/ Passport School Rules Quest/ Passport Getting to know you Quest- Finish Passport Year 8 Right and Responsib ilities (Citizensh ip) What are rights and responsibi lities? ChildlineAnimal Rights 1 Animal Rights 2 Operation Christmas Child Year 9 Rights and Responsib ilities/ Power, politics and media (Citizensh ip) AmnestyUN How does Parliament work? Video Parliament Video Parliament Yr 9 Citizenship assessment (Politics) Computer rm Yr 9 Citizenship assessment (Politics) Computer rm
Autumn Year 7 PSE Homework trouble Where do I study? Personal routines/ Time managemen t Feelings (Reading faces and behaviour) Building self confidence (What are you good at?) Building self image Christmas around the world Year 8 Rights and responsibil ities/ PSE BullyingRacism Healthy Lifestyle Introduction Healthy Eating 1 Healthy Eating 2 Christmas work (making jingles) Christmas work (Presentin g Jingles ) Year 9 PSE/ careers Teen Pregnancy Careers and gender Jobs, careers and vocations Further Education Christmas Activity
Spring Year 7 Rights & Responsi bilities (Citizens hip) Bullying matters (types of bullying) How does it feel to be bullied? Why do some people bully? Should bullies be punished? My communit y (1) Where do I live? (2) Y7 Citizenship assessmen t- Community Year 8 PSE Benefits of Exercise Body Image 1 Body Image 2 DrugsAlcoholSmokingSolvent Abuse Year 9 Careers/ options Finance Employment rights for the young Career choices- computer rm Achieve ments Media
PSE Spring Year 7 PSEHappiness quiz FinanceHow am I clever? Confidence tricks/ Don’t be shy- Passive, Assertive- Aggressive Who will I be? My skills review Year 8 PSE/ Citizenship - DRUGS “Saying NO” Relationships Fire Presentation Year 9 Media Media Yr 9 Citizenship assessment Media Yr 9 Citizenship assessment Media
PSE Summer Year 7 PSE Revision and Exams How do I revise? Revision techniques (1) in the home Revision techniques (2) Tips to beat stress Relaxation techniques Year 8 PSE- Careers Environment FinancePROJECT Year 9 SRE What is a relations hip? Decisions, Decisions A-Z part one A-Z part two A-Z part three Contraception
PSE Summer Year 7 PSE Keeping clean Changes during adolescenc e Healthy eating Benefits of exercise Are you nice to be around? Mean girls Year 8 PSE- Careers LGBT Skills Focusing on the future Year 9SRE STI’s Final Quiz