Rebecca A. Maynard, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania December 1, 2009
Brief overview of the Kids Having Kids project Review of the methodology Summary of findings
Rationale High and rising rates of teenage pregnancy Increasing proportions of pregnant teens keeping and raising babies Most babies reared by single mothers Most babies reared in poverty Goal Document the consequences of kids having kids Estimate the costs of teenage childbearing
Single parent households Welfare dependence Poverty Low school completion rates Child abuse and neglect Poor child outcomes
University of Chicago’s Harris School Nationally prominent scholars Research and policy advisors Cost analysis overlay First edition 1997 Second edition 2007
Call to Action: Births per 1000 Pre 1992
Birth Before Age 18Birth Age Total 140,761281,282422,023 First Birth 126,471210,312336,783 Higher Order 14,29070,97085,240
Consequences for Teenage Mothers Consequences for Fathers of Children Born to Teenage Mothers Consequences for Children Social and psychological Abuse and neglect Criminal activity Adult earnings Consequences for Taxpayers and Society Evidence of Effective Prevention Strategies
Perspectives Teenage mothers Taxpayers Society (distribution neutral) Assigning value/cost to some consequences E.g., incarceration spells; administrative costs of welfare; foster care; education of children Aggregating over families Accounting for compositional effects and cohort size Steady-state accounting 5% annual discount
Productivity Mother Father Children Child Support Public Assistance Cash/near cash Criminal justice Out-of-pocket health care costs
Tax revenues Mother Father Children Public Assistance Cash/near cash Medical Foster care Special education Criminal justice
Productivity Mother Father Children Public service administration Cash/near cash Medical Foster care Special education Criminal justice
Sexual activity risk: studies/ 40 estimates Similar results across four types of programs
Pregnancy risk: studies/ 34 estimates Small impacts Significant only for multi-component youth development programs 3 studies/6 estimates
Pregnancy : studies/ 25 estimates Small average impacts Impacts distributed across various program models
There are real costs of teenage childbearing Borne by taxpayers and society, not the teens Solutions are not obvious Health and sex ed seems necessary, but not sufficient Social norms seem to play an important role Consider testing more differentiated interventions