Teen Pregnancy & Parenthood Realities of Teen Pregnancy Chapter 4 Section 1 Human Growth & Development
Teen Sexuality Sexuality & sexual activity are not the same thing Sexuality: refers to a person’s view of himself of herself as a male of female Involves much more than physical maturity or the ability to be sexually active Sexuality has physical, intellectual, emotional, and social aspects You show sexuality in the way you walk, talk, move, dress, and laugh Changing hormones (chemicals in the body) shape these changes
Teen Sexuality Hormones have an emotional impact as well, causing mood swings and emotional ups and downs Messages about sexual activity are everywhere (television, radio, movies, commercials, and music) Often imply that sexual activity is a necessary part of sexuality (it is not) Peer Pressure: the influence of other teens With pressures it is easy to lose sight of what is important
Values and Sexuality Values help shape how each person answers the important questions in life Trust, self respect, respect for others, commitment, and loyalty By drawing on your values, you can choose to build a sense of your own sexuality without becoming sexually active
Consequences of Sexual Activity Sexual activity can cause some serious problems STDs are preventable by abstinence Abstinence: avoiding sexual activity STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease): spread from one person to another by sexual contact AIDS Chlamydia Genital Herpes Genital Warts Hepatitis B Gonorrhea Syphilis Many others, but these are listed on the chart on page 121
Pregnancy Possible consequence of sexual activity Affect both partners Types of Problems related to teen pregnancy Health Risks Education Financial Problems Emotional & Social Stress