Strategies for writing activities
Strategies – Writing 1 Think about this before you start: Read the instructions so you don’t misunderstand what to do. Follow the instructions carefully so you write about everything you are supposed to write about. Don’t stray from the point and write about things that don’t have anything to do with the task.
Strategies – Writing 2 Think about this when you write: Only use English when you write. Don’t use any Swedish words. Divide the text into different paragraphs. Start a new paragraph when you change the subject, but don’t make a paragraph too short or too long. Make sure you structure your text in a good way so you don’t jump between subjects. Think about the red thread.
Strategies – Writing 3 Think about this when you write: Think about the grammar when you write. Try to use as many different words as possible in order to vary the way of expressing yourself. Think about the spelling. Make sure you conjugate (böjer) the verbs the right way and use the right tense (tempus). Remember to use capital letters in the beginning of sentences and always use a big “I”. Also use. and, the right way.
Strategies – Writing 4 Think about this when you write: Use a strategy if you don’t know a word. You can for example: - Use synonyms (words that mean the same thing) - Try to explain what you mean in other words. Use many descriptions (adjectives/adverbs) to make the text “come alive”. Describe both people, places and things that happen. Use many different linking words and sentence connectors to make the text “flow”. Try to use both long and short sentences.