III. Cancer Defined as an Abnormal cell growth Defined as an Abnormal cell growth
A.) 2 Types of Cancer carcinomas- skin tissue carcinomas- skin tissue sarcomas- connective tissue and supportive tissue sarcomas- connective tissue and supportive tissue
B. Spreading Tumor- mass of tissue a) benign- non-cancerous a) benign- non-cancerous b) malignant- cancerous b) malignant- cancerous Metastasis - spreading cancer through the body spreading cancer through the body
C. Diagnosis Biopsy - removal of a small amount of tissue that is examined for the presence of abnormal cells - removal of a small amount of tissue that is examined for the presence of abnormal cells
D. causes Carcinogens- substances that cause cancer ex) chemicals ex) chemicals tobacco tobacco radiation radiation ultraviolet rays ultraviolet rays
E. Specific cancers Melanoma- skin cancer Colon cancer Breast cancer leukemia
F. Treatment SurgeryRadiation Chemo therapy
lV. Diabetes A disease that interrupts the body's ability to convert glucose into energy
A) Types of Diabetes Type I -occurs before the age of 15 -occurs before the age of 15 -pancreas produces little or no insulin to regulate glucose -pancreas produces little or no insulin to regulate glucose Type II - occurs in adults over 40 - occurs in adults over 40 -may control with diet and exercise. -may control with diet and exercise.
V. Arthritis Inflammation of a joint A) Types A) Types 1) rheumatoid – inflammation 1) rheumatoid – inflammation 2) osteoarthritis- wear and tear 2) osteoarthritis- wear and tearAssignment: Draw and label the chart p.696 P questions 1-28