What Did We Achieve more With Achieve more project ?
Contents Who Are We? – Mission And Goals – Structure, Team And Activities – Priority Fields – Partnership Network – Implemented Projects Achieve More – The Beginning Achieve More – The Beginning What Did We Learn from The Best? Next Steps What Did We Achieve More?
Mission Mission And Goals MISSION: To encourage the entrepreneurs, the researchers and the academic teams in Burgas to start their own companies and to support the development of the advanced technologies in the region. To create mechanisms and instruments for the encouragement of innovative enterprises To support the development of high- tech SMEs in the region To organize and participate in events, related to the advanced technologies To support the development of the advanced technologies GOALS
Structure, Team And Activities Structure Not- for profit association Voluntary membership Team Specialists in the fields of: finance; marketing; communications; law; business management; Network of experts –professionals working in specific fields; Volunteers – students and young specialists; Activities Support for the commercialization of high- tech ideas and results; Support for the protection of IPRs of new high- tech products; Management of facilities related to the advanced technologies;
Priority Fields Information technology Chemical industry Automation and censors materials Telecommunications Microelectronics and micro-mechanics Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals Medical and health technologies Energy and power effectiveness
Partnership Network
Implemented Projects Planning of the Local Economic Development Source of funding: National Employment Agency, under a loan agreement with the World Bank Business Perspectives in the Process of the Accession of Bulgaria to the EU Source of funding: USAID Establishment of a Technology Transfer Office at Burgas Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov University Source of funding: Phare Program Business Perspectives related to the Bulgarian Membership in the EU Source of funding: USAID Promotion of Entrepreneurship among the Scientists Source of funding: GMF Feasibility study: Establishment of Pro-Innovative Infrastructure in Burgas Municipality Source of funding: Burgas Municipality Development of a Strategy for Pro-Innovative Infrastructure in Bulgaria, Source of funding: Ministry of Economy, Bulgaria
Achieve More – The Beginning Participation in the conference Learning from the Best—Learning to be a Leading Edge Business Incubator June 2009 Useful information on business incubation; Exchange of good practices with representatives of other EU countries; Close contact with Mr. Martino Picardo from UMIC, UK; Close contact with Mr. Dick Eriksson from Innovationsbron, Sweden. How did we join the initiative? Invitation from Mr. Peter Statev from ICT Cluster Bulgaria – April 2009; Meeting with Ms. Natalia Blagburn in London
What Did We Learn from The Best? Learning from the Best—Learning to be a Leading Edge Business Incubator June 2009 has turned out to be extremely beneficial having in mind: The lack of experience in Bulgaria in business incubation; The lack of experience in the establishment of pro-innovative infrastructure; The valuable expert support provided by Mr. Picardo and Mr. Eriksson in the development of a Strategy for Pro- Innovative Infrastructure in Bulgaria, which was later elaborated by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy
Next Steps Visit to the UMIC, UK Hands-on experience and observation of one of the best working models of business incubation in Europe; Laying foundations for deeper cooperation between UMIC and HTBI – signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
What Did We Achieve More? Preparation of joint projects between HTBI and UMIC for the physical establishment of a high tech business incubator in Burgas, Bulgaria; Expansion of existing networks of international partners and effective transfer of know- how and best practices in the field of business incubation and technology transfer; Deeper and more effective cooperation between HTBI, other non-governmental organizations and state institutions in Bulgaria responsible for the development and implementation of innovation policies and infrastructure.
Contact details Address: Burgas 17 Tsar Petar Str., floor 3, office 1 web address:
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Brussels March 2011