International Business Development Toolkit Presentation Date: 18 th February 2009 Mike Shiel
SDI - ROLE Support Scottish companies and organisations to internationalise and grow their business Encourage foreign investment into Scotland.
ACCOUNTABILITY AND GOVERNANCE SDI Scottish Enterprise Scottish Government John Swinney, Cabinet Secretary for Finance & Sustainable Growth Jim Mather, Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism Highlands & Islands Enterprise
CONTENT International Preparedness International Strategy International Mentoring Overseas Market Support Exhibitions, Missions & Learning Journeys International Market Presence International Business Opportunities Used for Knowledge Out (K-Out) ie Export Activity
INTERNATIONAL PREPAREDNESS PROGRAMME (IPP) Designed to equip eligible companies with the knowledge to operate internationally 2 Levels 1 for companies new or inexperienced in international trade 2 for more advanced companies looking at deeper forms of internationalisation Delivered to groups of companies Framework of suppliers Free to companies
INTERNATIONAL STRATEGY Image title International Strategy Workshop (ISW) Short programme for individual eligible companies to develop a forward action plan Tailored interactive programme Free to companies (except lunch) Framework of suppliers Global Companies Development Programme (GCDP) For eligible companies seeking to achieve a step change in their international growth In-depth strategic consultancy 6 workshops over 3-5 months or condensed version also available Chargeable Framework of suppliers
INTERNATIONAL MENTORING International Manager for Hire Helps to fill an international skills gap within an eligible company Up to 50% funding for a maximum of 24 months To employ a highly qualified business professional Globalscot Graduates for Business
OVERSEAS MARKET SUPPORT Image title Funding Overseas travel and accommodation funding for eligible companies to undertake some of the following activities: Research purposes Market entry activities Targeting new market opportunities Funding for eligible companies towards design of promotional material for an overseas market Overseas Market Support (OMS) Currently under review Substantive piece of work (minimum 4 hours) Undertaken by SDI Field Assistance available from SDI and UKTI SDI Services
OVERSEAS MARKET SUPPORT Export Communications Review (ECR) Provides impartial advice about addressing language & cultural barriers through marketing materials Market Selection Service Review (MSSR) Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMIS) Bespoke research providing information and assistance eg. market sector overview/analysis, appointment making etc. Export Market Research Scheme (EMRS) Independent advice and funding for conducting market research UKTI High Growth Market Programme (HGMP) For mid corporate companies £20m-£100m UKTI Services
EXHIBITIONS, MISSIONS AND LEARNING JOUNREYS (EMLJs) Organised by a range of Scottish and UK based organisations such as: Scottish Development International UK Trade & Investment Scottish Council Development and Industry Trade Access Programme (TAP)/ SOLO Support Funding for exhibition costs TAP - £1000, £1400 and £1800 SOLO - £1,000 Funding Up to a maximum of 50% for eligible companies; overseas exhibition stand costs and running costs
INTERNATIONAL MARKET PRESENCE SDI Incubation Available to eligible companies Houston, San Jose and Boston REGUS Offices Discounted rates on incubator offices, virtual offices and meeting/training rooms To obtain the discount on offer to SDI, companies must work through their SDI representative and furnish Sue Lugton with relevant details
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (IBO) Aid-Funded Business International Business Opportunities UKTI e-alerts keeping you up-to-date with newly published opportunities TOP Tenders This chargeable service provided by Enterprise Europe Scotland will send an e-alert companies when new relevant European tender opportunities are published Partnerships in Europe Enterprise Europe Scotland can assist companies to find Commercial/ Research/ Technology partners in Europe
International Business Development Toolkit Thank you! Presentation Date: 18 TH February 2009