1. FUEL - “Future University and Entrepreneurship Leaders”: 1.1. Initiator: NRU ITMO 1.2. Partners: UCLA, NRU HSE 1.3. Goals: Strategic: to contribute to the economic development and entrepreneurial ecosystem development in regions of Russia Tactical: to build the complex system of University' IP commercialisation in order to provide sustainable projects pipeline in regions of Russia 1.4. Beneficiaries: 3-5 Russian regions Universities and research institutions Actors of the regional innovative ecosystems 1.5. Time frame: , extension for Project budget (layout for 2 years): USRF (USD 2M), Regions (USD 0,8M), external financial institutions (USD 10-12M) About the project
NRU ITMO and UCLA joint implementation of the EURECA-I in Selection of NRU ITMO and NRU HSE as 2 of only 12 winning universities approved to join the Program of Competitiveness Growth by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in 2013 Effective networking partnership with regional authorities in Russia, institutions of development, venture funds International expierience of University startups entry to the high-tech industry and markets Support of regional innovative development and territorial innovative clusters Consortium experience
Expected results / Outputs of 2013 Regional trainers, innovation managers and mentors selected and trained:40 / 40 Regional mentors and trainers involved in SL activity:80 / 40 Regional startups participated in St.Petersburg SUMIT:12 / 7 Regional managers and founders went through DeepDive:8 / 4 SUMIT WarmUps, Hackatons, seminars and other entrepreneurship-oriented events held in regions:32 / 21 Russian startup events where regional startups took part:16 / 3 Regional SUMIT launched:4 / - Projects participated in regional SUMITs:40 / - Startups surivived the acceleration stage in SA:14 / - Startup accelerators created in Russian regions:2 / - Startup accelerators fund, total: $10M / - Perspectives for
1.ITMO Entrepreneurial Ecosystem enchancement 1.1.“Entrepreneurial University” - one of the three strategic pathways of University Vision , along with “Research- Led” and “Global” 1.2. New services of ITMO Innovation Hub launched through the activities of new divisions: Center for regional cooperation development Technology Transfer Center FabLab Projects Factory 1.3. Over 10 new partnerships launched and strengthened by signing the cooperation agreements, incl. Russian Venture Company, JSC MIT Deshpande Center Foundation for Development of Internet Initiatives Current results
ITMO target model
ITMO Entrepreneurial Ecosystem – 2020
2.External contribution to the Startup Accelerator Network: 2.1. Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) created by the Agency for Strategic Initiatives: Goal - to provide early-stage internet entrepreneurs with the financial and expert support through investing USD 170M in 400 Russian startups in 3 years Joint activity with NRU ITMO on creation of the regional startup accelerators (Agreement signed on August 21, 2013) Regions to cover: Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Kazan’, Tomsk, Perm’, St.Petersburg etc Regional support: Samara (over USD1,0M in ), Republic of Mordovia (USD 0,75M for ), Vologda Current results
3.Regions of Russia: 3.1.Republic of Mordovia: Agreement signed on June 23rd, 2011 Memo on creation the system “StartupClass / StartupLab / StartupAccelerator” signed on February 27th, 2013 IT-accelerator launched on March 2013 5 institutions (actors of regional innovation ecosystem) involved to the project 3.2.Samara region: A set of agreements on creation the system “StartupClass / StartupLab / StartupAccelerator” signed on October- November, 2013 Over 10 institutions (actors of regional innovation ecosystem) involved to the project Over 50 future entrepreneurs took part in startup events Current results
3.3.Arrangements on joint acceleration activities reached with the actors of local innovation ecosystems of: Vologda region Republic of Buryatiya Ryazan region Tomsk region Krasnoyarsk region etc. 3.4.ITMO’ proposals of specific trainings (R&D management, incl. startup acceleration) are included to the roadmaps of the Innovative Territorial Clusters supported by the Ministry of Economic Development 3.5. ITMO’ proposals on launch of the Startup Accelerator Network supported by the Ministry of Economic Development Current results
WARMUP Saransk WARMUP SPb WARMUP Minsk WARMUP Vologda WARMUP Cherepovetsk More than 50 local entrepreneurs together for 54 hours!!! Current results WARMUP Samara
Startup School SUMIT — intensive 2- months educational program for early- stage startups and entrepreneurs Current results
Regional teams at SUMIT
4.ITMO-UCLA Entrepreneurial Mobility: 4.1.StartupUCLA acceleration program (USA, Los- Angeles, summer 2013): ITMO startup team PRIXEL – 3D and raised printing technologies 4.2.ITMO SUMIT Startup Lab program (Russia, St.Petersburg, summer 2012 and 2013): UCLA startup team VUPAD – augmented reality technology UCLA startup team TRAVEL ANGEL – crowdfunding platform Current results
PRIXEL team at StartupUCLA
1.UCLA-ITMO collaboration plan: Student startup education program exchange Collaborative organization of the conferences focused around collaboration between actors of entrepreneurial ecosystem Enhancing the research collaboration UCLA student internships for Russian language in the entrepreneurial ecosystem of ITMO 2.Perspective U.S. partners for 2014 and further: Associations: AUTM, NCURA, NBIA etc. Companies: Majestic Law, LLC; RSV Venture Partners, LP Innovation-oriented institutions and programs: Tech Coast Angels (CA), MIT Deshpande Center, Deep Dive Program (Silicon Valley) Perspectives of cooperation with U.S. Partners
Thank you for your kind attention! eureca.ifmo.ru eureca.ucla.edu
Additional slides
1. Time frame: , extension for Project budget (layout for 2 years): а.USRF funding: USD 2M – to cover project team expenses b.Region co-funding: ca. 25M RR (ca. USD 0,8M) - to cover expenses of local experts involved into the project implementation c.External financial institutions’ contribution (USD 10-12M) - to create seed fund, including: Regional venture funds RVC JRC and other development institutions Individuals and legal entities, including foreign actors About the project
System of intellectual activity results commercialisation built in 3-5 Russian regions Sustainable mechanisms of collaboration between regional universities and institutions of development, innovative territorial clusters, financial institutions Trained teams for commercialisation tasks in Russian regions (innovation managers, trainers, mentors) Sustainable technologies for development of regional innovative ecosystem (ready for dissemination) Expected project outcomes
Generating projects pipeline: Ideas + Professionals Business-models + Teams Prototypes + Companies Startup schoolStartup lab Startup accelerator Events + Training Training + Mentoring Mentoring + Funding Object Process Structure Implementation mechanisms
ITMO accelerator: 1. Basic information: launched in 2012 with the seed fund of US$6M jointly by NRU ITMO and RSV Venture Partners, LP (USA) provides investments (US$20,000 for 3 months), training and mentorship for early-stage startup teams 2. Outcomes: 3 startup sessions held 20 teams supported (total volume of investments – US$360,000) 8 projects have already attracted the next round of investments, with total volume of US$1,3M Current results
1.Republic of Mordovia: Government of the Republic (incl. relevant Ministries) Technopark–Mordovia Mordovia State University (national research university) n.a. N.P.Ogarev IT-accelerator of the Technopark–Mordovia User Group “FoxDevs” Partners Network: Regions of Russia
2.Samara Region: Ministry of economic development, investments and trade Samara State Aerospace University n.a acad.S.P.Korolev Samara State Technical University Samara State Medicine Unviersity Regional Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre (Non-profit Partnership) Open Technology Partnership “Materya” Toljatty State University Technopark “Zhigulevskaya Dolina” Toljatty Academy of Management Business Incubator of Toljatty Partners Network: Regions of Russia
3.Vologda Region: Vologda State Technical University IT-directors Club of Vologda Vologda Coworking Area “Container” Hackaton HACKPOINT (Cherepovets) Partners Network: Regions of Russia