Our Prosperous Community National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Before Proposition 13, local property taxes provided stable funding source for local services. After 1978, cities pursued sales tax revenue instead. California chases sales tax National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Sales tax “piracy” eroded overall revenues; Internet and Great Recession did too. Ventura was reluctant, but successful competitor. Limits to a zero sum game National League of Cities May 19, 2011
While not the dominant sales tax generator, a revitalized Downtown has anchored Ventura’s renaissance. Long-term public private partnership. Downtown success story National League of Cities May 19, 2011
2005 General Plan marked clear policy shift toward promoting businesses that produce high quality jobs. Strategy remained focused on sales tax. “High wage, high value jobs” National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Jobs and Investment Fund $5 million earmarked for long- term economic development. Unique initiative for raising Ventura’s profile as location for high tech business. National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Ventura Ventures Tech Center National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Housing meltdown and business shrinkage hammered City revenues. Time for bold action. Great Recession: Reality Check National League of Cities May 19, 2011
City and Chamber forged close partnership. Challenge to community to embrace shared commitment to standard of living and quality of life. Economic Summit National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Looked at various models. Focused on collaboration, coordination and shared partnership. Prosperity Council National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Tech; “green” and “creative” sectors seen as opportunities for catalytic growth. No neglect of broader economy. Emerging job sectors National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Ombudsman: symbol of business- friendly focus. Streamlining permitting. New Hospital approved without opposition. A healthy business climate National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Robust business assistance initiatives. Aiding local business to locate and to grow. Supporting local business National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Technology incubator grows to 17 businesses and 51 employees. First “graduate.” Building “network” of business, finance and academic resources. Tech business and jobs National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Green business and jobs National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Building on City’s long-term “arts city” strategy. WAV Ventura Sustainability Center model. Creative business and jobs National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Restaurant Week; Music Week and other promotions. Ventura Sustainability Center model. Creative business and jobs National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Emphasizing the link between standard of living and quality of life. Finding the “glocal” balance in the global economy. Live Local campaign National League of Cities May 19, 2011
Part of the ABCs of Ventura government. Integrating economic and community development. Civic Engagement National League of Cities May 19, 2011 “The fact that council is supportive of the action items and that they’re committed to being proactive is a real win-win,” she said, adding that she was “thrilled at the number of good people who are here. This is just the beginning.” Chamber President, VC Star
Thank You and Questions National League of Cities May 19, 2011