1 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES An introduction to FP7 and Research Infrastructures under FP7 Catania, 18 May 2006 Hervé Pero European Commission, DG Research
2 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES History of European Research ECSC Treaty ECSC Research Nice FP- 7 FP- 6 FP- 2 FP- 3 FP- 4 FP First Framework Programme Maastricht Amsterdam EEC/ EURATOM Treaties JRC Creation Treaties fusion Single Act Euro Lisbon strategy
3 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Budget evolution of the different Framework Programmes NB: Budgets in current prices. Source: Annual Report 2003, plus FP7 staff working paper
4 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Why research at European level? Pooling and leveraging resources Resources are pooled to achieve critical mass Leverage effect on private investments Fostering human capacity and excellence in S&T Stimulate training and mobility of researchers Improve S&T capabilities Better integration of European R&D Create scientific base for pan-European challenges Encourage coordination of national policies
5 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FPs: strong impact on the integration of the ERA Better coordination of national research efforts (ERA-NET) and counter-action to fragmentation of ERA, e.g. average number of MS per project: 3 (FP2) ► 6.7 (FP6) Concentration of research efforts through larger projects with critical mass, e.g. average number of participants per project: 4.7 (FP2) ► 14 (FP6) ERA more attractive to researchers worldwide, e.g. number of participating third countries: 30 (FP2) ► 140 (FP5)
6 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Cooperation – Collaborative research People – Human Potential Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity JRC (non-nuclear + nuclear Euratom + FP
7 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FP7 budget (€ billion, current prices) Source: revised FP7 staff working paper
8 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES 1.Research Infrastructures 2.Research for the benefit of SMEs 3.Regions of Knowledge 4.Research Potential 5.Science in Society 6.Coherent development of policies 7.Activities of International Cooperation Capacities – Research Capacity
9 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES SP Capacities budget (€ billion, current prices) Source: revised FP7 staff working paper
10 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Definition of Research Infrastructures "Facilities", "resources" and related "services" that are needed by the scientific community for the development of leading-edge research in the most efficient manner at EU level, as well as for knowledge transmission, knowledge exchanges and knowledge preservation; covers major equipments, collections, archives and structured information, enabling ICT-based infrastructures, and any other entity of a unique nature used for research.
11 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Research Infrastructures (RIs) and “capacity building” Multiple impacts: (1) Knowledge generation: enabling to look beyond the frontiers of science with inter-disciplinary teams; attracting scientists… (2) Industrial innovation: creating direct and indirect effects (supply of high-tech instruments, spin offs). (3) Societal impacts: contribution to knowledge society (cf. the WWW), incl. secure data storage, (4) Independence and governance: securing European autonomy and knowledge base.
12 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES RIs are the “backbone” of research activities ERC Coordination between MS Joint Research Initiatives Stimulation of collaboration Competition for excellence Human potential + Scientific infrastructures
13 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FP7 will continue supporting the European Research Area: Continuation of the current “bottom-up” actions optimizing the use and performance of existing research infrastructures Supporting new ideas through design studies Reinforcement of a «strategic» approach for Supporting emergence of future infrastructures of pan-European interest and developing a critical mass of specific existing ones corresponding to strategic needs
14 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES LIP (FP2) HCM (FP3) TMR (FP4) IHP (FP5) FP6 New Infrastructures Integrated Initiatives Networks / CA RTD Projects Access eRI FP7 eRI … which is in line with the increased yearly budget + 60%
15 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES … and increasing needs for e.g. super computing facilities e.g. Protein Folding e.g. Protein Folding 20 micro-sec in real life … in silico simulation of 1 micro-sec takes 2 months on Cray T3
16 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES … and for increased relations between scientists and e-science MIDDLEWAREMIDDLEWARE Experiment Computing Storage Analysis Scientist
17 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Some information on Research Infrastructures in FP6 Facts and Figures: Total budget: 722 M€ »of which 220 for GRID + GEANT Number of projects131 Number of RIs supported248 Potential number of users >20000
18 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Excluding the RIs supported through GEANT & GRID
19 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES EUSAAR (Environment) Integrating European research infrastructures for the measurements of atmospheric properties EC contribution: 5.1 M€ TA (~0.2 M€): 11 ground-based stations for atmospheric research NA (~3.2 M€): Standards and exchange of good practices on sampling, measurement and analysis of aerosols Training on aerosol sampling and measurements Web portal and Database on aerosol products JRA (1.7 M€): Methodology for determining aerosol density Standard procedures for aerosol hygroscopic growth determination A real time collection of aerosol measurements A network of research stations exploiting the diversity of regional backgrounds
20 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES ESSi (Social Sciences) Providing high survey standards of social measurement in Europe (2005 Descartes Prize) TA (~0.4 M€): On-line access to European Social Survey data NA (~2.7 M€): Quality enhancement (survey protocols) Training in comparative survey methodology Improved ESS web-site JRA (~2.9 M€): Development of mixed modes for data collection Investigate ways of improving representativity Improve the reliability and validity of questions in cross-cultural surveys Development of appropriate social indicators Integrating social measurement in Europe EC contribution: ~6 M€
21 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES IA-SFS (Analytical Facilities) Offering a common access platform and triggering coherent future developments TA (~19 M€): 15 installations, with 4000 users from a very broad spectrum of disciplines NA (~2 M€): Specialized workshops, conferences, schools Exchange of scientists JRA (~6 M€): Set an EU platform for Protein Crystallography Development of instrumentation for Femtosecond Pulses, diffractive x-ray optics, superconducting Undulator, photoinjector for X- ray Free Electron Lasers Integrating Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser facilities EC contribution: 27 M€
22 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES EGEE & EGEE II (e-Infrastructures) Cross-disciplinarity; International dimension Enabling Grids for E-science in Europe USA SA (~34 M€): Shared use of resources across > user sites, integrating over CPUs, 5 PB of storage, instrumentation and informational resources on top of a high bandwidth network NA (~21.9 M€): Training of users, dissemination and outreach Linking with major infrastructures worldwide Integration of new user communities Policy support for shared use of ICT resources JRA (~13 M€): Development of multiplatform middleware and connectivity, authentication and security Quality assurance EC funding: M€
23 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES FP7 will continue supporting integration of existing RIs activities integrating scientific research infrastructures Development of e-infrastructures in support of scientific research (incl. scientific data repositories) Implementation through: Bottom-up calls for proposals open to all fields of science Targeted calls implemented in coordination with thematic areas
24 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Support to Engineering of new facilities and major updates to existing ones, based on the work conducted by ESFRI* list of targeted projects; 2 stage approach (preparatory – main EC role - and construction) Design studies: open to all fields, through foresight and exploratory analysis. FP7 will also increase support to new research infrastructures * Supported as appropriate by e-IRG
25 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Research Infrastructures Optimisation of Resources Support of ideas (design studies) FutureExisting Support of excellence Strategic Bottom-up Reinforcement of Capacities (engineering support of pan-European RIs) ESFRI Roadmap FP7, in brief…
26 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES What is ESFRI? A European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Launched in April 02 Brings together representatives of the 25 Member States, 7 Associated States, and one representative of the European Commission (EC) ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
27 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES ESFRI’s role and ambitions To jointly reflect on the development of policies for pan-European Research Infrastructures; To prepare a European Roadmap (with regular updates as different areas mature); To act as an incubator for concrete RI projects with pan-European interest … but it is not a decision making body ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
28 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Objectives of the ESFRI Roadmap Identification of new research infrastructures or major upgrades which correspond to the needs of European research communities Tool for decision makers, preventing over- provision of facilities in particular areas Providing a focus for long term budgetary planning by funding actors Criteria for entering the roadmap: scientific and concept case (maturity) ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
29 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Further identification criteria Potential contribution to socio-economic objectives (sustainable development); Impact on human capacity and training Estimated construction, operating and decommissioning costs (multi-annual plan) Appropriate management structure and mechanisms for Member States to join at the start or during operation ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
30 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Overview of recommended actions 6 Domains environment biomedical & life sciences astronomy, nuclear & particle physics materials sciences & engineering social sciences & humanities e-Infrastructures ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Structure of ESFRI roadmap report Structure of ESFRI roadmap report (scheduled for October 2006)
31 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Identification of needs of the scientific community The ESFRI roadmap Development of EU policies An identification process for pan-European RIs Facilitation of decision making between stakeholders Funding and joint implementation of actions … 2008 … Mature Projects The Roadmap and FP7
32 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Structural Funds (SF) and Research Infrastructures SF and public research funds (in particular FP7) are increasingly complementary at the political, scope and calendar level, but cannot be substituted The challenge: to pool and organize financial ressources from different origins
33 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Inclusion in Specific RTD Programme(s) Inclusion in FEDER RELEX strategic plans Stakeholders incl. EIROs Member states European Commission Inclusion in national Programmes Projects EIB The challenge: increased use of financial engineering for new research infrastructures
34 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Goals of the Community Actions under FP6 and FP7 Helping develop medium & long-term visions / action plans at EU level (Lisbon) Stimulating use and pooling of resources (not achievable at national level) Tackling fragmentation of resources and efforts and enhance efficiency and consistency Fostering human capacity and excellence In brief, looking for catalysing, leveraging, additionality and managerial effects
35 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Preparatory phase Construction Operations Upgrades and interconnections 10 to 50 years M€ Time Decision point Research Infrastructures life-cycle
36 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES M€ Preparatory Phase Time FP support National support 10 to 50 years Stakeholders Research Infrastructures life-cycle (2)
37 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Research Infrastructures life-cycle (3) M€ Stakeholders Possible FP support National support, incl. Structural funds EIB Construction Time 10 to 50 years
38 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Support measures, through a mixed bottom-up / top-down approach in support to emerging needs for S&T capacities in Europe, the development of a European policy for RI the development of international cooperation In addition FP7 will ensure support to emerging needs Global Challenge s
39 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Reminder of the EC Criteria Reminder of the EC Criteria (in addition to relevance to the programme objectives) Excellence: relevance at international level; capacity to offer a top-level service to scientists; Impacts: added value of EU support; RI impact on ERA as well as on EU sustainable development; Implementation: maturity; life-cycle costs evaluated; quality of life-cycle and systems’ management; stakeholders’ commitment
40 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURES Useful links Research Infrastructures on CORDIS (FP6) ESFRI (European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructures) address :