The Story of River’s Edge Turning a Sow’s Ear into a Silk Purse September 25, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

The Story of River’s Edge Turning a Sow’s Ear into a Silk Purse September 25, 2013

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 3 3 Introduction  Benefit Conveyance to Tri-City Regional Port District.  Strategically located in the heart of the U.S. on the MS River at America’s Central Port.  Serves Granite City, Madison, and Venice, Illinois.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 4 4 Support Center Information  Base offered:  840 acres adjacent to the Port  Large industrial and commercial tracts  Access to all Class One Railroads  Access to the Mississippi south of the last lock and dam (#27)  More than 1.7 million sq.ft. of warehouse/office space

ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 5 Opportunity: An Adjacent Army Base is Closed Vision: Realize the economic reuse potential in the Charles Melvin Price Support Center closure.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 6 6 Opportunity: An Adjacent Army Base is Closed  Support from Illinois Congressional delegation, local Mayors and community leaders to acquire/develop as one integrated property to avoid federal agency cherry picking.  Port became Local Redevelopment Authority.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 7 7 River’s Edge Proposed Redevelopment The Port completed the River’s Edge comprehensive redevelopment plan, proposing industrial, transportation, office, warehouse, residential, recreational and other business mixed-use development.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 8 8 River’s Edge Proposed Redevelopment cont.  With the support of the Illinois delegation, especially former Congressman Jerry Costello, Wydra negotiated the terms of the conveyance of the base to the port

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE 9 9 The SPECTRUM Group’s Role  Assisted the Port with:  drafting of legislation  negotiating the terms of the conveyance with the Army  negotiating the terms of the quitclaim deed with the U.S. Maritime Administration  requesting funds from OEA  obtaining federal grants for the further expansion of the Port

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE How the Conveyance Was Accomplished  The property was conveyed under the terms of the Public Port Facility Conveyance Program administered by the U.S. Maritime Administration (MarAd)  The conveyance has to improve port facility productivity and land access, help develop intermodal transfers of freight/cargo, reduce highway and rail congestion, and reduce air emissions

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE How the Conveyance Was Accomplished  The property is transferred to the Port via a quitclaim deed. The key term of the deed is the Port has to maintain the property in perpetuity as a public port facility. If not, the property reverts to the federal government for re-disposal

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE Codification of the Transfer in Pub. L  Congressman Costello had the transfer put into law  Key terms of the conveyance: “The Secretary of the Army may convey to the Tri-City Regional Port District of Granite City, Illinois…(the Port District) all right, title, and interest of the United States in and to a parcel of real property including any improvements thereon, consisting of approximately 752 acres and known as the Charles Melvin Price Support Center, for the purpose of permitting the Port District to use the parcel for development of a port facility and for other public purposes.”  The conveyance was made without consideration as a public benefit conveyance

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE Community Improvements  The first tranche of 545 acres was transferred on April 22,  Leases were negotiated with all previous government tenants  The 150 units of military housing on the property were refurbished and re-leased to military personnel.  Initial grant funds came from EDA and OEA

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE Community Improvements (cont)  The next several years saw a steady growth in Port tenants and community development, including:  Opening of a new child-care center and fitness center  Construction of a large asphalt plant by Owens-Corning and Conoco Phillips Petroleum  Expansion of the Port’s FTZ authority  A small business incubator  Construction of a million-gallon-a-year ethanol plant by Abengoa Bioenergy of Illinois  Developments by Arizon Companies, a mfr. of air support buildings, and a helicopter hangar for ARCH Air Methods.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE South Harbor and TIGER Grant Funding  The Port received a TIGER funding/grant to build out a new harbor south of Lock #27.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE The Port Grows  The Tri-City Port District (renamed America’s Central Port ) is thriving as a result of the public benefit conveyance and the OEA and TIGER grant funds as well as matching state and local funds

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE Successes  Supports over 1450 jobs  Has an economic impact on the community of over $280 million  Maintains its commitment to keep the property as a public port  Provides the surrounding community with jobs and recreational opportunities.

2013 ADC BASE REDEVELOPMENT FORUM | PAGE Conclusion A lesson for all communities: 1.Be creative 2.Think outside the box 3.Have a plan 4.Use your Congressional delegation to help you achieve your goals. BEFOREAFTER