NASA Ames Research Center NASA Dryden Flight Research Center San Jose State University American Society for Engineering Education 2003 NASA Faculty Fellowship Program Dr. Bradley M. StoneDr. Stephanie Langhoff Co-DirectorCo-Director/Ames Chief Scientist SJSU Department of ChemistryNASA Ames Research Center (408) (650)
Program Description The NASA Faculty Fellowship Program links NASA researchers with faculty members on collaborative projects. Areas of research: aerospace engineering and applied sciences, space and planetary sciences, earth and atmospheric sciences, astrobiology and life sciences, psychology and physiology of space flight. The program offers: a stipend, partial travel and relocation expenses, and planned activities including seminars, workshops etc.
Program Objectives Further the professional knowledge and experience of engineering and science faculty members. Stimulate an exchange of ideas between Fellows and NASA researchers. Reinvigorate participants’ teaching at their home institutions. Contribute to the research objective of the NASA center.
Program Qualifications United States citizenship. Faculty appointment at a U.S. college or university. Advantageous to have a prior arrangement with a NASA researcher for a collaborative project. Conduct research at NASA (Ames or Dryden) and participate in NASA Faculty Fellowship Program activities for a ten-week period from June to August.
Application Procedure Meet all program requirements. Complete online application at: Provide two reference letters (one from college dean or department chair). Submit a one page research proposal. Submit documentation to: American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) 1818 N Street, NW, Suite 600 Washington, DC Office: (202) DeadlineMarch 1, Deadline for receipt of application package to is March 1, For more details visit:
Program Contacts Ms. Lycia Messersmith Dr. Bradley M. Stone Program Coordinator Co-Director SJSU College of Science SJSU Department of Chemistry (408) (408) Ms. Brenda Collins Dr. Stephanie Langhoff University Affairs OfficerCo-Director/Ames Chief Scientist NASA Ames Research Center NASA Ames Research Center (650) (650) Dr. Kajal GuptaMs. April Schultheiss University Affairs OfficerFellowship Coordinator Dryden Flight Research CenterDryden Flight Research Center (661) (661) SJSU Ames Dryden