ƒ PM PM Field Planning Model Communicating Reservoirs Aquifer Influx Well Flow Facilities Re-completions Drilling Optimization OPTIMIZE PRODUCTION FIND THE UPSIDE
FPM is a revolutionary concept in field depletion planning. Driven by material balance and diffusivity you can determine well deliverability to multiple pressure systems with optimal compressor or separator loading. FPM enables petroleum engineers to optimize field production. In the past, field optimization was done in parts: the reservoir, wells and facilities. Efforts to combine these into a single model have previously failed due to prohibitive computation time, unmanageable data volumes and inadequate model integrity. FPM has been designed to address these deficiencies by: Minimising model parameters Maximizing computational efficiency Direct access to Database. FPM minimizes model parameters by reducing the number of grids and using pseudo relative permeability curves. FPM improves computational efficiency by using equations not tables, RAM not hard disk and implicit not explicit formulations. FPM copes with large volumes of data by automatic history matching, direct access to database, automatic work-overs and infill well selection. In field management FPM assists the operations engineer by providing: Predictions derived from a high fidelity history match of oil, water, gas and pressure of the reservoir, wells, facilities and transmission systems. Optimization of production by selecting optimum work-overs and optimum infill well locations within the facility limitations. Rapid ‘what if’ cases for a wide range of parameters ranging from completion options to oil gravity limitations. Simple spreadsheet reports of wells, reservoirs or field production that can readily be integrated in corporate economic and planning tools.
FPM has the following advantages: Easy data input with direct links to production and digital map databases. As an advanced material balance simulator it can handle a very large number of reservoirs and wells. Aquifer models allow the engineer to adjust aquifer strength by altering aquifer size, geometry, permeability and compressibility. Allows enhanced well test matching. Report generation in Excel or text formats. Do you know where your oil is? FPM can generate plots to show the remaining oil in place before and after a prediction run. Asset A Team Asset B Team Asset C Team Asset D Team Geology & Geophysics Reservoir Engineering Facilities Engineering Operations Engineering Planning Five Fields with 660 Wells, 540 Reservoirs, thousands of completions, 50 Years of History and 18 Years of Prediction in less than 2 MINUTES! End of HistoryEnd of Prediction
HOW DOES IT WORK? The Reservoir A reservoir can be modelled as one or multiple cells. Any cell or reservoir can be connected to any other by assigning a transmissibility factor. The model can range from 1-Phase and 1-D to 3-Phase and 3-D. Aquifers can be attached to any reservoir or group of reservoirs FPM uses 3-Phase relative permeability to generate pseudo curves for individual wells and reservoir wide curves for infill wells. In the definition of reservoir wide curves the critical water saturation is uniquely defined as a function of dip of formation, distance to contact, viscosity, permeability and gravity factor. The last can range from 0 for bottom water influx to 1 for gravity segregation. Field or Well specific Pseudo Permeability Curves can be used for History Matching or Predictions L x Gravity Factor = G Swc well = f ( x, w w, G
In an effort to determine the reliability of FPM its results were compared with those of a finite difference model. The single cell model was matched to the fine grid model. The forecasts of both models are very similar. It may be difficult to argue which is more reliable. This question is more pertinent in a real case where FPM will normally generate a higher fidelity match. Finite Differences Prediction ModelFPM Prediction Model
WELL HISTORY MATCHING History matching is accomplished by adjusting the critical water saturation, the slope of Krg, Krw, Kro and the Dietz critical factor. This will allow a more precise fit to history than a reservoir wide curve. This is most important for existing wells continuing into Prediction time. Typical Well Match (Total Fluid) Reservoir History Match (Water) Calculated Values Measured Values
Forecasting from existing wells utilizes pseudo well curves. New wells require either reservoir wide curves or pseudo well characteristics calculated from FPM generated maps. FPM calculates reservoir top, net sand thickness, porosity, water saturation, permeability and pseudo-perm functions at each node over a fine grid (generally 50m). Contoured cell polygons of any of the above parameters can be interactively displayed by reservoir or field. They are available in two or three dimensional graphs.
From RESERVOIR to EXPORT PIPELINE FPM has the ability to model multiphase lift in the well-bore with any of the 19 industry standard correlations. Multiple completions including mono-bore, single non-selective and selective, dual non- selective and selective can be modelled. Cross- flow is detected in all completions. The FPM facility module includes flow-lines, manifolds, water/gas knock-outs, separators, compressors and pipelines. This is generally where the greatest pressure losses occur. Forecasting without modelling the facilities should only be considered as an academic exercise. Multiple stations and fields can be simulated with a detailed surface network of wells, flow stations and pipelines. Flowlines Manifolds Water/Gas Knock-Out Separators Compressors Pipelines Flowlines Manifolds Water/Gas Knock-Out Separators Compressors Pipelines Gas Lift High & Low Pressure Optimization Gas Lift High & Low Pressure Optimization
WELL WORK-OVERS Once a well has reached its specified limits in any reservoir, FPM will automatically perform a work-over based on defined criteria. FPM will prioritise wells “waiting for work- over” to select the best candidate to fill the production facility. Completion type, remaining reserve, oil rate, water cut and GOR are just some of the controls available. During a prediction FPM selects which reservoir is to be produced to minimize water and maximize oil production, plan work- overs and infill drilling. Prediction Start Existing Well with 3 sliding sleeves.
‘Prognosed’ Drilling Data can be imported from a mapping package such as Z-map or CPS-3 and read into FPM on a user-defined grid, usually 100 metres. A ‘Prognosed Well’ is created at each grid node. A prediction base case establishes work-overs for existing wells, facility modifications and a current drilling schedule. FPM ‘drills’ each prognosed well individually and calculates the incremental field recovery. This establishes which well has least interference and best facility path. The best wells can then be ranked. FPM has a ‘Drilling Manager’ that allows the intensive computer process to be accomplished for large fields in hours rather than days.
3D Visualization FPM allows the input of not only cell polygon outlines but also geologic mapping from Z-map or other formats from geophysical workstations. This allows 3D visualization of the reservoir and the spatial relationships of the reservoirs in a field. Further, the movement of oil- water contacts through time can be mapped to ascertain the encroachment of water to individual wells. 3D Reservoir Visualization Original Water/Oil Contact in the Reservoir A Well and it’s reservoirs
OPES International Petroleum Engineering Consultants Reservoir Engineering and Field-wide Simulation Field Planning and Optimization Reserve Reporting and Property Evaluation Well Test Planning and Analysis Production Geology Production Engineering Reserve Reporting and Property Evaluation Plan Of Development (POD) Development of Specialized Petroleum Engineering Software Training in Reservoir Engineering and Field Management Australia International House L17, 26 St George's Tce., Perth, Western Australia 6000 PO Box 6128, East Perth, WA Tel: Fax: Indonesia Setiabudi Atrium Suite #210, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav, 62 - Kuningan Jakarta Tel: Fax: