About nastran NASTRAN is a finite element analysis (FEA) program that was originally developed for NASA in the late 1960s under United States government funding for the Aerospace industry.finite element analysisNASA The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation (MSC) was one of the principal and original developers of the public domain NASTRAN code. NASTRAN source code is integrated in a number of different software packages, which are distributed by a range of companies.The MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation (MSC) A contract was awarded to Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) to develop the software. The first name used for the program during its development in the 1960s was GPSA an acronym for General Purpose Structural Analysis. The eventual formal name approved by NASA for the program, NASTRAN, is an acronym formed from NASA STRuctureANalysis.Computer Sciences Corporation
The NASTRAN system was released to NASA in In the late 1960s, the MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation (MSC) started to market and support its own version of NASTRAN, called MSC/NASTRAN (which eventually became MSC. Nastran). The original software architecture was developed by Joe Mule (NASA) and Gerald Sandler (NASA).MacNeal-Schwendler Corporation The commercial use of NASTRAN has helped to analyze the behavior of elastic structures of any size, shape, or purpose. For example,. It is also used in designing railroad tracks and cars, bridges, power plants, skyscrapers, and aircraft. The program alone was estimated to have returned $701 million in cost savings from 1971 to NASTRAN was inducted into the U.S. Space Foundation’s Space Technology Hall of Fame in 1988, one of the first technologies to receive this prestigious honor.
The NASTRAN program has evolved over many versions. Each new version contains enhancements in analysis capability and numerical performance. Today, NASTRAN is widely used throughout the world in the aerospace, automotive and maritime industries. It has been claimed [5] that NASTRAN is the industry standard for basic types of analysis for aerospace structures, e.g. linear elastic static and dynamic analyses. [5] NASTRAN is written primarily in FORTRAN and contains over one million lines of code. NASTRAN is compatible with a large variety of computers and operating systems ranging from small workstations to the largest supercomputers.FORTRANoperating systemsworkstationssupercomputers NASTRAN was designed from the beginning to consist of several modules. A module is a collection of FORTRAN subroutines designed to perform a specific task— processing model geometry, assembling matrices.
Each type of analysis available is called a solution sequence. Some of the most common solution sequence codes are : o Linear Static o Modal o Buckling o Non-Linear Static o Direct Complex Eigen value o Direct Frequency Response o Direct Transient Response o Modal Complex Eigen value o Modal Transient Response o Nonlinear Transient o Static Aero elastic Analysis o Flutter / Aeroservoelastic analysis o Dynamic Aero elastic Analysis
NASTRAN Options The following software options, based on NASTRAN original source code are available : o MSC Nastran MSC Nastran o NASTRAN-x MG (acquired by MSC Software) NASTRAN-x MGMSC Software o NEi Nastran (A PC/Linux-based version of the original NASTRAN source code) NEi Nastran o NX Nastran (acquired by Siemens PLM Software re- branded to Siemens NX (Unigraphics)) NX NastranSiemens PLM SoftwareSiemens NX (Unigraphics) o Nastran distributed by the Open Channel Foundation
Applications of NASTRAN o The strength and fatigue of aircraft structures, such as fuselage, wings and flaps, and landing gear. o The strength and durability, and vibration of car, truck, and train structures such as body, chassis, suspension, steering, and wheels. o The ability of any product to withstand being improperly handled, dropped, crashed, or other types of catastrophic events. o Today, NASTRAN is widely used throughout the world in the aerospace, automotive, and maritime industries. It is considered the industry standard for the analysis of aerospace structures.
Key Features of nastran o Micromechanics Based Composite Laminate Failure Analysis o Advanced Composites Ply Failure Criteria (LaRC02, Puck, MCT) o Nonlinear Progressive Ply Failure Analysis (PPFA™) o Advanced 3D Layered Composite Analysis o NEi Nastran Editor GUI NEi Nastran Editor GUI o Shape and Parameter Design Optimization o Automated Analysis Report Generation o Multiaxial and Vibration Fatigue
o Linear Surface Contact Linear Surface Contact o Nonlinear Surface Contact Nonlinear Surface Contact o Automated Surface Contact Generation (ASCG™) Automated Surface Contact Generation (ASCG™) o Automated Edge Contact Generation (AECG™) Automated Edge Contact Generation (AECG™) o Automated Impact Analysis (AIA™) Automated Impact Analysis (AIA™) o Adaptive Nonlinear Static and Nonlinear Transient Analysis. o Virtual Fluid Mass Boundary Element o Imported Results Data Interpolation o Automated Inertial Relief (AIR™) o Robust and Accurate Element Library
Contents 1 History 2 Software architecture 3 Associated Software 4 NASTRAN Options 4.1 MSC Nastran 4.2 NASTRAN-x MG 4.3 NEi Nastran 4.4 NX Nastran 4.5 OCF Nastran 4.6 off-shoots 4.7 Competition 5 See also 6 References 7 External links
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