National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lessons from Providing Professional Development in Remote Sensing for Community College Instructors Poster at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12/19/2014 Jeannette Allen, SSAI at NASA GSFC
Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training-Remote Sensing is a professional development program for two-year college instructors of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) funded primarily by the National Science Foundation (NSF DUE # , ; and DUE No , ). 76 participants learned basic physics, technology and science applications of federal land remote sensing, and how to download and integrate remote sensing data with GIS to solve problems of concern to their communities. All participants create their own classroom laboratory exercises. Partners on iGETT-RS are the National Council for Geographic Education, the GeoTech Center, Black Hills State University (SD), and West Valley College (CA). Community colleges serve close to half the undergraduate students in the United States. They are very well positioned to increase diversity in the nation's workforce. 56% of all Hispanic students, 48% of all Black students, 59% of all Native American students, and 44% of Asian/Pacific Islander students attend a two-year public institution. The external evaluator for iGETT-RS, Elaine Leggett Craft, has reported to NSF that the project's impact on participants "can only be described as revolutionary" in terms of their learning, their accomplishments and their development of unnanticipated leadership qualities. Lessons from Providing Professional Development in Remote Sensing for Community College Instructors