Transformationa l Leadership M 1 :Affective Commitment OCB M 2 :Calculative Commitment
Transformational Leadership M 1 :Affective Commitment OCB M 2 :Calculative Commitment
A significant total indirect effect is not a prerequisite for examining indirect effects. It is possible to obtain a significant indirect effects, but a non-significant total indirect effect. It is possible that M 1 mediates, and M 2 suppresses, so that the indirect effects cancel out.
Stressor Help- seeking strain Anxiety
Problem the same as in simple mediation, Sampling distributions of the total and specific indirect effects are not normal. Bootstrap procedures are recommended. Bootstrapping as in simple mediation, Now obtain bootstrap estimates for each indirect effect as well as for the total indirect effect.
Download from Kristopher Preacher’s website: Also has Sobel calculator in website. %INDIRECT (DATA = class.mediation, Y = OCB, X = Transfor, M = AFECOM CALCOM, CONTRAST = NORMAL = 1, BOOT = 5000); Preacher & Hayes SAS Multiple Mediation Macro Preacher & Hayes SAS Multiple Mediation Macro: Transformational Leadership Affective Commitment OCB Calculative Commitment
Dependent, Independent, and Proposed Mediator Variables vs DV =OCB IV =TRANSFOR MEDS =AFECOM CALCOM Sample size n 127
IV to Mediators (a paths) bzxmat Coeffsetp AFECOM CALCOM Direct Effects of Mediators on DV (b paths) byzx2mat Coeffsetp AFECOM CALCOM
Total effect of IV on DV (c path) byxmat Coeffsetp TRANSFOR Direct Effect of IV on DV (c' path) cprimmat Coeffsetp TRANSFOR Fit Statistics for DV Model dvms R-sqadj R-sqFdf1df2p
NORMAL THEORY TESTS FOR INDIRECT EFFECTS Indirect Effects of IV on DV through Mediators (ab paths) spec EffectseZp TOTAL AFECOM CALCOM C
BOOTSTRAP RESULTS FOR INDIRECT EFFECTS Indirect Effects of IV on DV through Mediators (ab paths) res DataBootBiasSE TOTAL AFECOM CALCOM C Bias Corrected and Accelerated Confidence Intervals ci LowerUpper TOTAL AFECOM CALCOM C
Transformational Leadership Affective Commitment OCB Calculative Commitment
15 Mediated Moderation Moderating effect is transmitted through a mediator Moderated Mediation The mediating effect is moderated by some variable
18 Fair amount of confusion. Edwards& Lambert : Mediated Moderation special case of Moderated Mediation “ In both the applied literature and in discussions with colleagues, we have observed considerable confusion over what effects should be described as mediated moderation vs. moderated mediation and how to properly assess them.” Preacher et al (MBR ) Conditional Indirect Effect
19 Conditional Process Modeling Hayes Conditional process modeling is both Mediation and Moderation in combination It focuses on the estimation and interpretation of the conditional nature (the moderation component) of the indirect and/or direct effects (the mediation component) of X on Y in a causal system.
20 Moderation and mediation combined The basic models include only X: independent Y: dependent M: Mediator Z: Moderator Models can be extended to include additional independent, dependent, mediating, and moderating variables.
21 Methods for Integrating Moderation and Mediation: A general Analytic Framework Using Moderated Path Analysis Edwards & Lambert Psychological Methods 2007
22 First stage moderation model Z moderates the M,X relationship X M Y Z
23 Second stage moderation model, Z moderates the M,Y relationship X M Y Z
24 Z moderates the X,M, and also the M,Y relationships X M Y Z Z
25 Direct effect moderation model X M Y Z 25
26 Z moderates the X,M, and also the M,Y relationships and has a direct effect on Y X M Y Z Z Z 26