Jeffrey Walker et al. PLMR Data Jeffrey Walker and Valerio Paruscio Dept of Civil and Env Engg The University of Melbourne, Australia Ed Kim Hydrospheric.


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Presentation transcript:

Jeffrey Walker et al. PLMR Data Jeffrey Walker and Valerio Paruscio Dept of Civil and Env Engg The University of Melbourne, Australia Ed Kim Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States Jorg Hacker Airborne Research Australia Flinders University, Australia

Jeffrey Walker et al. Changes to Flight Schedule 31/10 – landed to restart loggers 2/11 – NDVI and photos taken 9/11 – multiangle for Merriwa Park /w dives 11/11 – multiangle for Midlothian /w dives 15/11 – water cal shortly following EMIRAD 16/11 – multiangle for Merriwa Park /w dives 17/11 – half thermal imager data missing 18/11 – multiangle for Cullingral /w dives 21/11 – coincident with EMIRAD survey 23/11 – multiangle for Merriwa Park /w dives plus partial “potato” flight 25/11 – dew flight with rain; overflew burning mountain

Jeffrey Walker et al. 62.5m Brightness Temperature Data 62.5m 500m 1000m250m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Tb v Tb h NDVIVisible House/Sheds Moisture ? Vegetation Water

Jeffrey Walker et al. Flight Data

Jeffrey Walker et al. Regional Data: 1km Elevation NDVI Visible

Jeffrey Walker et al. Krui Data: 62.5m Elevation NDVI Visible

Jeffrey Walker et al. Krui Data: 62.5m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Krui Data: 250m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Krui Data: 500m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Krui Data: 1km

Jeffrey Walker et al. Merriwa Data: 62.5m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Merriwa Data: 250m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Merriwa Data: 500m

Jeffrey Walker et al. Merriwa Data: 1km

Jeffrey Walker et al. Merriwa Data: Dew

Jeffrey Walker et al. Merriwa Data: Multiangle

Jeffrey Walker et al. What Data Will You Get? Brightness temp only; not a processed soil moisture (or at least not initially) Calibrated but “uncorrected” V & H brightness data for each beam with: ground position (corrected for topog) incidence angle (corrected for topog) aircraft data