MIEPA – Moscow Chamber of Commerce & Industry subsidiary Moscow Chamber of Commerce & Industry Established in MCCI joins financial, construction, R&D, educations, industrial, service companies ect MCCI includes more than 20 professional guilds and 22 committees for collaboration with partners in about 50 states At international level Moscow CCI conducts 90 collaboration agreements Affiliated structures of Moscow CCI develops different kind of activities and projects: Certification center “Mosexpertisa” International Business School Economic security bureau Moscow Investment & Export Promotion Agency
MIEPA Key partners and clients International and local professional associations and groups Moscow, Russian and foreign companies Foreign & local state institutions MIEPA Key services Project management and management consulting Marketing research Training Event management, including fact finding and match making missions
Facilitates dialogue between Moscow organisations and foreign investors. Through the program international businesses can develop by engaging with some of the most exciting projects that Moscow has to offer. In return Moscow organisations gain global recognition as they enter overseas markets. MOSCOW INVESTMENT GATEWAY
Your business can find the perfect partner company in Moscow providing you with many advantages: develop a synergy between your product and their product, combining the best experience from both businesses; create mutually beneficial alliances with other companies who would like access to the Russian market; outsource R&D from Moscow — there it will take place in some of the best-regarded institutes. MOSCOW INVESTMENT GATEWAY
E-REGULATIONS Investment procedures step-by-step Terms, conditions, description and costs of the procedures Documents and contact information E-BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Facts and figures Infrastructure E-OPPORTUNITIES Detailed information about investment projects
MOSCOW INVESTMENT GATEWAY E-OPPORTUNITIES Detailed information about 250 investment projects in LIFE SCIENCES, IT and ENGINEERING We collaborate with some of the most reputable Research & Development institutions in Moscow, including Moscow State University and institutions of the Russian Academy of Science among others VISIT STATISTICS Visitors from more than 30 states/ month, including USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Brazil, India, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Taiwan, Bulgaria etc.
MOSCOW INVESTMENT GATEWAY E-OPPORTUNITIES The company developed a range of products for vacuum deposition, magnetron coating, ionic plasma deposition, testing, etc. Since its inception, the company has been one of the leaders of the market which steadily grows. Company exports actively to Belgium, India, China, Taiwan.
MOSCOW INVESTMENT GATEWAY E-OPPORTUNITIES Helicopter system of accurate hovering and vision is elaborated. System lets to increase significantly efficiency and safety, and enlarge field of application for helicopters and helicopters’ technologies. System improves execution of regimes of flight. Range of successful flights tests are conducted.
MOSCOW INVESTMENT GATEWAY E-OPPORTUNITIES Universal informational monitoring technology of safety of anthropogenic objects of environment. The engineering company has developed a range of vectoral 3D- and 6D-vibration inverters and equipment for spectral reconstruction of wave parameters for preventive maintenance in practically all areas of application. The approbation and confirmation: aviation motor manufacturing (P. I. Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motors development), heat power engineering (Russian National Heat Engineering Institute, Mosenergo), transport manufacturing (at Central Scientific Research Institute of Construction), tested on power supply units of Gazprom.
INVEST IN MOSCOW Why invest in Moscow? About Moscow Moscow economy For investors News Publications Forum
TRADE INFORMATION SERVICE Country information – general information, doing business; Market information – statistics, business opportunities, prices, trends; Market entry - regulations, tariff barriers, certification, standards, distribution channels; Trade policy – trade agreements bilateral, multilateral and regional; Contact information of potential partners – importers, exporters, suppliers, business support organizations. REQUESTS Russian suppliers Business events in Moscow Legislation and statistics From Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, Australia, Korea, Netherlands, etc.