DEFINITION OF NETWORKING A link of machines (computers) which are all connected together to operate interactively. Link: wse/networking wse/networking
DEFINITION OF STANDALONE A computer which is not connected to a network so it’s not operating interactively. Operating independently. Link: andalone andalone
DEFINITION OF LAN LAN = Local Area Network – which supplies networking capability to a group of computers in close proximity to each other in the link. Link: /historyoftechindustry/g/LAN.htm /historyoftechindustry/g/LAN.htm
DEFINITION OF WAN WAN = Wide Area Networks – connected to a network. Can be a large network. Link: /WAN /WAN
DEFINITION OF CLIENTS/SERVER NETWORKS It describes the relationship between two computer programs. One program (the client) makes a service request from another program (the server) fulfills the request. Link: lient%2Fserver+network lient%2Fserver+network
DEFINITION OF PEER TO PEER NETWORK (P2P) – Computer systems which are connected together (via internet) where files can be shared. Link: /peer-to-peer+network /peer-to-peer+network
4 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF LAN Advantages: Computers can share devices such as printers. Which is cheaper than buying a printer for every computer Computers do not need their own hard disk drives which make them cheaper to buy than stand-alone PCs People can save their work on the computer’s file server. This means that they can retrieve their work from any computer in the network People can communicate with each other and transfer data between computer’s easily Link: AAlPZXT AAlPZXT
4 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF LAN Disadvantages: If one computer receives a virus of some sort, other computer’s to the network also receive the virus They are difficult to set up and require special technicians The area covered is limited space Networks share the same internet, all computers running at once can reduce speed for each Link: _advantages_and_disadvantages_of_havi ng_a_LAN _advantages_and_disadvantages_of_havi ng_a_LAN
CABLED LAN AND DIFFERENT TYPES A cabled LAN is when a wire is connected to a computer in order, in order to use the network Three Types are: Twisted Pair Cable: Which are 2 wires twisted together that makes one total wire Fibre-Optical Cable: Transparent wire that carry beams of light Coaxical Cable: Wire surrounded by insulation. Has high frequency signals
ESSENTIAL PIECE OF HARDWARE LAN Interface – Essential for every computer to have a LAN Interface so each computer can have a network. Link: ork_interface_controller ork_interface_controller
LAN TOPOLOGIES Describes the arrangement of a system. Three Structures are: Star – One central node is connected to each other Ring – Each node is connected to two other, forming a ring shape Line – Nodes are arranged in a line, connecting to one in front and the behind Link: topology topology