Some sensor products adopt IEEE like MAC Protocol. However, IEEE MAC is not a good solution for WSN. S(Sensor)-MAC proposes enhanced schemes such as periodic sleep and overhearing avoidance to provide a better choice for sensor applications. 3
This paper presents an analytic model for evaluating the energy consumption at nodes in a S- MAC based WSN. 4
Sensor network lifetime will rely on the corresponding batteries of sensor nodes. IEEE is one of the dominating MAC Protocol in current times. However, the power control function of IEEE can not satisfy the requirements of sensor network application. In this paper, we propose an analytic model estimating energy consumption of sensor nodes adopting S-MAC. 6
II. RELATED WORK [1]-Measuring and reducing energy consumption of network interfaces in hand-held devices [2]- An energy-efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks [3]- PAMAS: Power aware multi-access protocol with signalling for ad hoc networks Optimizing sensor networks in the energy-latency-density design space Optimizing [4]- sensor networks in the energy-latency-density design space, [5]- University of california, berkeley, mica2 schematics 7
II. RELATED WORK [6]- An adaptive energy efficient MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks [7]- An adaptive energy-efficient and low-latency MAC for data gatheringin sensor networks [8]- Performance analysis of the IEEE distributed coordination function [9]- Redefining internet in the context of pervasive computing 8
II. RELATED WORK [10]- Performance analysis and enhancement for the current and future IEEE MAC protocols [11]- Performance of reliable transport protocol over IEEE wireless LAN: Analysis and enhancement [12]- Queueing analysis and delay mitigation in IEEE random access MAC based wireless networks [13]- Data gathering in sensor networks using the energy*delay metric 9
III. S-MAC In the conventional IEEE protocol,there are several disadvantages causing unnecessary energy waste. 1.Every nodes hears transmission of all neighboring nodes even if the packet is not destined to itself. 2.Besides, considerable control packet may increase overhead in energy consumption. 3.The last one is idle listening, a node keeping listening to possible traffic for itself all the time. 10
IV. S-MAC ANALYTIC MODEL Energy consumption of a node running S-MAC : E(t) = NT (t)ET + NR(t)ER + TS(t)PS + TI (t)PI (1) Energy consumption for transmitting a packet: ET = PTx(tRTS + tdata) + PRx(tCS + tBO + tSL+tCTS + tACK + 3tSIFS + DIFS) (2) 11
IV. S-MAC ANALYTIC MODEL Energy consumption for receiving a packet: ER = PTx(tCTS + tACK) + PRx(tRTS + tdata+3tSIFS + tDIFS) (3) Number time the node sends packets: NT (t) = λTt (4) Number time the node receives packets: NR(t) = λRt (5) 12
IV. S-MAC ANALYTIC MODEL S-MAC sensor node goes into sleep mode in three cases: ① scheduled sleep time ② Receiving a RTS frame from its neighboring nodes ③ Receiving a CTS frame from its neighboring. 13
IV. S-MAC ANALYTIC MODEL Sleep time Fig (6) Idle Listening time Fig (7) In S-MAC, the sleep schedule for a node will be synchronized with all its neighbors psucc =nτ (1 − τ )n−1/1 − (1 − τ )n (8) Extra idle period occurs when a node finishes a packet transmitting or receiving. e= NI ×Tf rame/2 By deriving the unknowns in (1) using (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9), we can evaluate the energy consumption of a node in analytic method 14
IV. S-MAC ANALYTIC MODEL The chain-hop topology used in validating our analytic model: Sink Source Fig. 1
IV. S-MAC ANALYTIC MODEL Another topology used in validating our analytic model 16 Source_0 0 Sink_1 Sink_ Source_1 1 Fig. 2
V- ANALYTIC RESULT 17 A. Model Validation Fig. 3 The energy consumption of node 0 in Fig. 1 evaluated by analytic model and simulation
V- ANALYTIC RESULT 18 Fig. 4 The energy consumption of node 2 in Fig. 1 evaluated by analytic model and simulation
V- ANALYTIC RESULT 19 Fig. 5 The energy consumption of node 2 in Fig. 2 evaluated by analytic model and simulation
V- ANALYTIC RESULT A grid topology used in analysis S-MAC based WSN design Fig. 6 A grid topology used in analysis S-MAC based sensor network design
V- ANALYTIC RESULT 21 Fig. 7 Relative energy consumption,relative latency and relative energy*delay of total network
B. ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF S-MAC In many sensor network applications, energy consumption is not the only important design issue. Periodic sleep scheme in S-MAC saves energy while nodes are idle, but this scheme also introduce additional delay for waiting the reviver back to listening from sleeping. Choosing a shorter duty cycle would decrease the idle listening time, but increase the latency. 22
B. ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF S-MAC 23 Fig. 8 Relative energy consumption of total network of 20 chain-hops.
B. ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF S-MAC According to formula (1),the energy consumption of S-MAC based sensor nodes can be devided into 4 parts: ① Sending packets ② Receiving packets ③ Idle Listening ④ sleeping 24
VI. CONCLUSION AND FUTUR WORK This paper introduces an analytic model to estimate the energy consumption S-MAC S-MAC saves energy but sacrifices latency. To achieve better energy efficiency than S- MAC, the future work includes the improvement of energy consumption and reduction of packet latency of S-MAC. 25