Staff Regulations The end ?
Our aim today To share with you our analysis and reading To (try to) answer to your questions Not exhaustive, nor precise Not yet official Next steps?
The process Proposal from the Commission Amendments from JURI Committee of the EP Negotiation mandate from COREPER Trialogues to reach a common position Staff Representatives were only consulted in step 1
In the initial proposal from EC Staff cuts (5% by 2018) To extend the method (slightly amended) To increase solidarity levy to 6% To increase normal retirement age at 65 Working hours to 40h per week Maximum 3 days travelling time Allow contract agents to stay for 6 years and to participate to internal competitions Blocking AST career to AST9 To introduce a new AST/SEC career
VP Sefcovic on 16/11/2011 I have today met with staff representatives in a conciliation meeting, which is the last step foreseen in the procedure of the social dialogue on the proposed changes to the Staff Regulations. I have made a significant number of concessions during these negotiations. Unfortunately, this conciliation meeting did not allow us to reach a common position…. Only significant concession: Secretaries continue to be officials but in a new career AST/SEC
At the EP (JURI and BUDG committees) Some improvements: AST/SEC salary grid improved AST career open from AST1 to AST9 But Salary steps not automatic Travelling days transformed to 2.5 days for all expatriates Ethics rules toughened and clarified
The current “compromise” Negotiation linked to MFF (freeze of pay 2013/14) 74 pages of amendments ! Harsh mandate of COREPER Strong position of the EP Negotiated in “trialogues” without any consultation of Staff Reps on the new amendments Charter of fundamental rights foresees consultation of workers and staff reps (Art. 27)
Careers Steps linked to satisfactory performance New SC career with 6 grades corresponding to AST0 to AST5 Administrator: AD5 to AD12 HoU: AD9 to AD14 Adviser: AD13-AD14 Director: AD14-AD15 DG: AD15-AD16 Assistant: AST1 to AST9 Senior assistant AST10-11
Careers Current AD13 and AD14 not HoU nor advisers become “Administrator in transition” resp. “Senior administrator in transition” Two steps added for current AD12 and AD13 (of 2.8% and 1.4%) AST > Senior assistants in transition AST1-9 (post 2004) and unlimited AST -> Assistants in transition Former C -> Adm. Assistants in transition Former D -> Support agents in transition
New promotion rates AST9 to 10 from 20% to 8% (12.5 years) AD12 to 13 from 25% to 15% (7 years) AD13 to 14 from 20% to 15% (7 years) AD5,6,7 to 6,7,8 from 33% to 36% (2y 9months) For SC1 4years SC2 5years SC3 6years SC4 7years SC5 8years SC6 (after 30 years)
Pensions Normal retirement brought to 66 years (transition measures for staff in place) Early retirement brought to 58 years (3.5% reduction per year), transitory measures for colleagues in place (1,75% reduction e.g.) At request, carry on working until 67 or, exceptionally 70 Accumulation rate down to 1.8% (colleagues in place keep their rate) Barcelona incentive of 1.5% (was 2%), transitory measures in place
Working conditions Normal working week from minimum 40 to maximum 42 hours Flexitime explicitely in SR but above AD/AST9 entire working days off cannot be granted In case of serious hardship, if children less than 14, 38h per week possible Part time for preparing retirement possible from 58 (was 55) and for 3 years (was 5 years) with no transitory measure
Working conditions Travelling time abolished, 2.5leave in place linked to expatriation status or foreign residence Travel allowance calculated on geographical distance but given in full for children above 2 CCP for maximum 12 years (was 15)
Method Based on a composite index HICP Belgium CPI Luxembourg for calculating the Joint Index 3 countries added to the sample (AT, PL and SE) for calculating the “specific indicator” Update = JI X SI Exception clause: if specific indicator outside interval -2%,2% the remainder is given 9 months later In case of negative GDP update is deferred of 9 months and in case GDP<-3% the specific indicator is set to 0
Contract agents Duration extended to 6 years By derogation, and in exceptional cases, internal competition open to Contract Agents FCII can participate for SC1-2 FCIII can participate for AST1-2 FCIV can participate for AST1-4 or AD5-6 Number of appointed AC cannot exceed 5% of the appointments in the function group.
Other No correction coefficient shall be applicable in BE and LU No salary update in 2013 and 2014 Solidarity levy applied from 1/1/2014 on the same basis as before (but higher rate 6%, 7% for AD15 and above) DGE will be published in a register Moving averages for actuarial calculations moved to 30years
What next Adoption Appeals and judiciary procedures (we are consulting our lawyers) Staff Rep need to work hard for assuring good implementing rules Staff Rep need to insure that this Reform is not wrongly implemented (as it was the case with the previous one) With your help and support!