Session C-28 Keeping Your School's Title IV Participation Current: Everything you need to know about adding new programs and locations, and reporting critical information about your school
2 Presenters Douglas Laine Julie Arthur
33 This Session will Cover: What changes and updates need to be reported, and when to report Which changes and updates require FSA approval prior to disbursing Title IV aid How to report changes and updates using the E-App
44 Eligibility Documents and References Electronic Application for Approval to Participate in the Federal Student Financial Aid Programs (E-App) Program Participation Agreement (PPA) Eligibility and Certification Approval Report (ECAR)
5 Eligibility Documents and References Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – – PPA – – Extent of Eligibility – – Application Procedures – – Updating Information – – Change in Ownership – – Third-Party Servicer
6 Reporting – Two Categories Report and wait for approval—must receive approval before disbursing aid –Look for: Report and go—not required to wait for approval before disbursing aid –Look for:
7 Reporting - Locations New Locations - Always must be reported - If 50% or more of an educational program is offered at that location -Sometimes report and wait
8 Report and Wait - Locations Must wait for approval if institution –Is provisionally certified –Is on Cash Monitoring –Acquires assets of another institution
9 Report and Wait - Locations Must wait for approval if institution –Would be subject to loss of eligibility under (default rates) –Is notified by the Secretary that it must report and wait
10 Reporting - Programs Must wait for approval for –Short term programs –Increased level of offering –Nondegree programs beyond current approval
11 Report and Wait - Programs Short-term programs (300–599 clock hours) must always be approved prior to disbursing Title IV aid (includes graduate short-term programs) Undergraduate short-term programs must have been provided continuously for at least 12 months and meet 70 percent completion and placement rate thresholds
12 Report and Wait - Programs Increasing the level of offering –Institution previously offered only AA or AS degrees, adds BA or BS degrees –Institution previously offered one-year non-degree programs, now offers two- year non-degree programs
13 Report and Wait - Programs Nondegree programs beyond current approval –Program prepares students for gainful employment in dissimilar or unrelated occupations as the currently approved programs
14 Report and Go - Programs Institution may self-determine program eligibility if adding –A degree program at level currently approved –A Non degree program that prepares students for gainful employment in same or related recognized occupation as a currently approved program Report at recertification
15 Report and Wait – Other Changes Must report and wait if –Institution changes its primary, institution-wide accrediting agency*, or state authorizing agency –Change in structure –Change in ownership * Note: the change must be approved, but prior to the change, the institution must notify FSA in writing when it begins the process to change its accrediting agency, including the reason for the change
16 Report and Wait – Other Changes Must report and wait if –Adding new Title IV program Teach Program Campus-Based Programs FFEL Direct Loan
17 Report and Go – Other Changes Report and go –Certain changes must be reported within 10 days of the change –Changes must have prior approval from state and accreditor, if applicable –Materially complete application must be submitted
18 Report and Go – Other Changes Institution’s and Location’s –Name –Address –Phone –Fax –Internet addresses
19 Report and Go – Other Changes Change in educational measurement (e.g. change from clock hours to credit hours, or semester credit hours to quarter credit hours) Decrease in level of offering (e.g., institution drops its graduate programs)
20 Report and Go – Other Changes Change in a person’s ability to affect the actions of the institution including –Changes in levels of ownership –Change in officials President Fiscal Officer Financial Aid Administrator
21 Report and Go – Other Changes Closure of a branch campus or additional location that the institution was required to report Governance of a public institution (e.g., change from county control to state control) Add/drop third-party servicer
22 Report and Go – Other Changes Foreign gift reporting (HEA Sec. 117 and DCL GEN-04-11)—must report applicable gifts by January 31 or July 31, depending upon when gift received Voluntary withdrawal from some or all Title IV Programs
23 How to Submit Changes Use E-App to submit changes and updates In Section A, Question 1, select “Update Information” box Select the specific updates from the pick list; if purpose doesn’t appear in list, select next box, “Other,” and type the purpose in space provided
24 How to Submit Changes Complete the information for the appropriate questions and Section L of the E-App Mail the signature page (Section L) and the supporting documents listed in Section M to the address indicated
25 Features of the E-App Pre-populated questions Help text Edit checks Status messages Skip logic (automatically skips “not applicable” questions)
ED + 8-digit OPE ID No. ED + 9-digit Taxpayer ID No.
28 Adding Comments to E-App To provide additional information about the application, or data on the application, Use Section K, Question 69 Note: Institutions use Question 69 to document eligibility criteria for participation in TEACH Grant Program (see DCL GEN 08-07)
Use this area to provide additional information or an explanation
Go to the signature page
Check that the president will sign the app and print the page 09/26/2008
Go to Section M
33 Section M Identifies Required Supporting Documents Click on the Application Submission page link
School Eligibility Channel, U.S. Department of Education If okay, click on the Submit Application button A message will indicate if entries are still needed
Receipt You must receive written approval from ED for your new location(s) before you disburse Title IV funds to students at the new location(s) U.S. Department of Education School Participation Management School Eligibility Channel Integrated Partner Management Division 830 First Street, NE Washington, DC /26/2008 9:30 am Eastern Time
36 Checking the Status of the Application Go to the E-App Click on “Application Status”
38 FSA Response Sent via instructs institution to go to the PPA/ECAR page of the E-App web site to view Approval Letter (or Acknowledgement Letter) Institution prints and reviews copy of Approval Letter and ECAR also provides contact information for questions about the action
39 You can access your PPA, ECAR & Update Notice from the web
40 Other Reasons to Submit E-App Initial Application –Eligibility (Deferment) Only –Certification Recertification –Apply at least 90 days prior to expiration of PPA –Reminder will be sent (keep e- mail addresses updated)
41 Other Reasons to Submit E-App Change in Ownership –Pre-acquisition review—45 days prior to date of purchase –Materially complete application required within 10 days of purchase to prevent loss of eligibility
42 Other Reasons to Submit E-App Merger Reinstatement Redesignation of main location
43 School Participation Team Contacts New York/Boston team – (617) & (646) –Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Virgin Islands Philadelphia team - (215) –Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia
44 School Participation Team Contacts Atlanta team - (404) –Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and South Carolina Chicago team - (312) –Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin
45 School Participation Team Contacts Dallas team - (214) –Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas Kansas City team – (816) –Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, and Tennessee
46 School Participation Team Contacts Denver team - (303) –Colorado, Michigan, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming San Francisco/Seattle team – (415) & (206) –Arizona, Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, American Samoa, Guam, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands, and Northern Marianas Foreign School team - (202)
48 Contact Information We appreciate your feedback and comments. Our contact information: Douglas Betty Coughlin Julie Arthur For general questions, contact your School Participation Team