Introducing the University Research Ethics Committee
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield To review the University ’ s Ethics Policy, including providing guidance on its interpretation. To operationalise the University ’ s Ethics Review Procedure: accrediting departmental ethics review arrangements and reviewing accreditation on a five-yearly basis, monitoring departments ’ ethics review arrangements and reviewing annually departmental ethics decision making reports, Providing guidance in cases of uncertainty brought to its attention by departmental ethics review panels, making decisions on cases that cannot be resolved by ethics review panels, and hearing appeals against decisions made by departmental ethics review panels. UREC’s key tasks
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield To promote awareness and understanding of research ethical issues throughout the University. To advise on any research ethical matters that are referred to it from within the University. To keep abreast of the external research ethics environment and ensure that the University responds to all external requirements. UREC’s key tasks…
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield The ethical review of individual applications: unless an applicant has appealed, or the department cannot reach a decision. Give advice on ethical issues that are not concerned with research. What UREC doesn’t do…
Challenges in making all of this work…. Staff resistance and misunderstanding. Temptations of superficial box-ticking. Patchy reception and take-up. Resources? External ethics approval procedures in medical and social care research…different jurisdictions, different ethics cultures.
Recently, the scope of UREC’s activities has begun to expand, in response to changes in the external environment As a result of the policies of a number of external bodies, not least Research Councils UK (RCUK), research integrity’ has become a significant and visible theme, and the two agendas are merging. Defined very simply… Research ethics deals with relationships with, and treatment of human participants and subjects. Research integrity deals with relationships with colleagues, professional communities, funders and the general public.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield Sir David King, when he was the United Kingdom Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, summarised research ethics succinctly, as a combination of rigour, respect and responsibility. These generic principles, Sir David’s Universal Ethical Code, apply to all of the University of Sheffield’s research activities, in all of our academic disciplines.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield RIGOUR: Honesty and Integrity Be as skilful & careful as possible: keep techniques up to date and learn new ones; help others in their professional and personal development. Do whatever necessary to stop corrupt practices and professional misconduct and adopt procedures to detect and discourage this. Declare conflicts of interest. Be alert to how research depends on and has an impact on others’ work, and on their rights and reputations.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield RESPECT: Care for Life All research has implications for the lives of others, is governed by law, And can make a direct or indirect contribution to the public good. We must recognise and respect these considerations. We must have a care for life. We must work in ways that are lawful and publicly accountable. We must take account of potentially adverse effects for people, animals and the natural environment. We must respect the rights and privacies of individuals.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield RESPONSIBILITY: Communication This is a matter of how we communicate, listen to and inform our students, colleagues and the wider public. We should encourage and participate in debate about the issues that our research may raise for society. We should never knowingly mislead or allow others to be misled about our research or about science. We must present and review research data, theory or interpretation honestly and accurately…and accessibly?
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield Putting ethics into practice Although each discipline has its own ethical traditions, proper ethics are the common ground on which all disciplines meet and there are general lessons to be learned by all researchers.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield Ethics is about quality and research integrity, doing the best possible research. Ethics is about how we conduct our research, from start to finish. Ethics is about how we treat those involved in, or affected by, our research.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield Ethics is not merely a matter of minimal compliance with codes and guidelines. Properly ethical research demands that ethical considerations should be in the forefront of our thinking and routinely inform all that we do.
14/10/2015© The University of Sheffield Ethics is about communicating our research goals, procedures and findings as clearly as possible. Ethics is about recognising that research is supported by, and a part of, the wider society. Ethics is about being principled and accountable at all times.
This is an ambitious and difficult agenda. It will require, not policies and procedures, but a significant culture change… …not just organisationally, but within disciplines, and in individual working practices. It will be a long process, requiring managerial will and a willingness to learn from difficult situations.