Junior/Senior Counselors: Mrs. Anderson: Students with last name A-J Mrs. Lyons: Students with last names K-Z
To graduate - 24 TOTAL CREDITS IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT PASSING A COURSE, consider getting a tutor and setting up a teacher conference. Students who are failing a course are placed in academic intervention: Spartan Learning. Students must Take End of Course Tests Must pass Algebra I or Geometry Must pass English II or English III Must pass Biology or American History
We will be scheduling in the next few days. Please help your senior-to-be choose his/her courses carefully. Please be aware of the requirements for Core 4 as well as TOPS. They do not align.
Basic Diploma: Eligible to attend a two year community college (Delgado, Nunez, BRCC). Louisiana Transfer Degree: After two years, a student may transfer to 4 year college as a junior and receive a degree from that 4 year college. Core 4: Eligible to attend MOST four-year Louisiana schools. Important to check requirements.
The courses listed in the following slides are the courses that are offered at Salmen. The handouts reflect all possible courses that can be used for Basic, Core 4, and TOPS.
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed English4 4 4 English I1 1 1 English II1 1 1 English III1 1 1 English IV or Senior Applications in English 1English IV1 1
Math is usually the discipline that is considered the heaviest when determining which diploma option (or TOPS) is best suited for a student. If a student schedules a math for which he is not prepared, graduation is in jeopardy. The master schedule is created based on students’ requests. Schedules will not be changed next year. Teacher recommendations, current grades, and standardized test scores should be used to determine math selection.
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Math4 4 4 Algebra I1 1 1 Geometry, Math Essentials, Financial Math (or higher math) 3Geometry1 1 Algebra II1 1 Math Essentials, Financial Math (or higher math) 1Functions and Statistics (or higher math) 1
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses credit Courses credit Courses credit Social Studies3 4 4 World Geography Civics or ½ Civics & ½ Free Enterprise 1Civics or ½ Civics & ½ Free Enterprise 1Civics or ½ Civics & ½ Free Enterprise 1 American History World History, Psychology.5, Sociology.5, Law Studies 1World History1
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Science3 4 4 Biology1Physical Science 1Biology1 Physical Science1Biology1Chemistry1 Environmental Science1Chemistry1Environmental Science, Biology II, Physics, Physical Science 2 Physics, Biology II, or Environmental Science 1
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Physical Education/ Health 2 2Not required 0 Physical Education I or JROTC I 1 1 Physical Education II or JROTC II.5Physical Education II or JROTC II.5 Health (JROTC I and II will substitute for.5 Health).5Health (JROTC I and II will substitute for.5 Health).5
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Fine Arts Fine Arts Survey, Art, Music, or Theater 1 1
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Courses Credit needed Language Foreign Language (2 units of the same language) or Speech I and II 2Foreign Language (2 units of the same language) 2
Basic CoreLA 4-CoreTOPS Courses Credit needed Courses Credit neede d Courses Credit needed Electives8 3 *Shall include minimum courses required to complete Area of Concen- tration 7Electives (3 Credits) 3 Journey to Careers1
TO EARN THE TOPS OPPORTUNITY AWARD, a student must: Earn a 2.5 in TOPS Courses Earn a 20 on ACT (current state average )
Levels of TOPS Opportunity Award Performance Award Honors Award Core GPA Core Units19 ACT Composite Score 2023 ($400 yearly stipend) 27 ($800 yearly stipend)
ACT State Wide: March 19 th : This score counts as an admission/scholarship score. End-of-Course Assessments (EOC) Testing Window: April 24 th -May 17 th ▪ Algebra I or Geometry ▪ Biology or American History ▪ English II or English III
All juniors in the state of Louisiana will be taking the ACT at their high school. So, your child will be taking it (at no cost ) on March 19 at Salmen. This test WILL count as a valid test score that can be sent to colleges for admission and will count for scholarship eligibility. All juniors in the state of Louisiana will be taking the ACT at their high school. So, your child will be taking it (at no cost ) on March 19 at Salmen. This test WILL count as a valid test score that can be sent to colleges for admission and will count for scholarship eligibility. If your child is planning to attend a four–year college, we strongly encourage your child to retake the ACT in June after receiving his baseline score of the March test. The registration website is If your child is planning to attend a four–year college, we strongly encourage your child to retake the ACT in June after receiving his baseline score of the March test. The registration website is Regular registration fee is $47.00 with Writing. If student receives reduced or free lunch, he/she is eligible for TWO fee waivers. Student must see counselor for fee waiver.
Free ACT/SAT practice tests and resources can be found on the following websites: ACT/SAT Prep
Salmen High School Library: Homework Louisiana: Standardized Test Prep: College Planning:
Go to the Salmen High homepage and Click GUIDANCE on the left menu. If you have any questions, call Mrs. Anderson or Mrs. Lyons at
3.0 academic GPA ACT score: 22 English sub-score: 18 Math sub-score: 19 (No remedial courses) Complete Core 4 Curriculum with extra art requirement if Fine Art Survey is not taken.
Minimum 2.0 GPA Complete Core 4 Curriculum 2.5 core GPA OR ACT score: 23 ▪ English sub-score: 18 ▪ Math sub-score: 19 ▪ (no remedial courses)
2.0 academic GPA Require no more than 1 remedial course by having: ▪ English sub-score: 18 ▪ Math sub-score: 19 Complete Core 4 Curriculum: 2.0 core GPA OR ACT score: 20
2.35 cumulative GPA Require no more than 1 remedial course by having: English sub-score: 18 Math sub-score: 19 Complete Core 4 Curriculum 2.0 core GPA OR Minimum ACT score: 20
Academic GPA Require no more than 2 remedial course by having: English sub-score: 18 Math sub-score: 19 Complete Core 4 Curriculum
2.0 academic GPA Require no more than 1 remedial course by having: English sub-score: 18 Math sub-score: 19 Complete Core 4 Curriculum 2.0 core GPA OR ACT score: 20
2.35 academic GPA Require no more than 1 remedial course by having: English sub-score: 18 Math sub-score: 19 Complete Core 4 Curriculum 2.0 core GPA OR ACT score: 21
2.0 Academic GPA Require no more than 1 remedial course by having: English sub-score: 18 Math sub-score: 19 Complete Core 4 Curriculum 2.0 overall GPA OR ACT score: 21