What exactly happened in the Great Plains region during the 1930s?
*Strand 4: Geography Concept 2: Places and Regions, PO2: Examine geographic issues Concept 4: Human Systems, PO2: Analyze push/pull factors that contribute to human migration. Concept 5: Environment and Society, PO4: Analyze the environmental effects of human technology on the environment. *Strand 1: American History * Concept 8: Great Depression and WWII, PO1: Describe causes and consequences of Great Depression.
Many crops were grown in the region that later became the Dust Bowl region, but primarily wheat was grown. Often times, farmers didn’t rotate their crops and the land began to lose it’s nutrients.
The land became over-exposed and a drought occurred throughout the region. BIG dust storms started billowing across the plains. Also, record temperatures hit the region.
Most farmers did not know the consequences of stripping the land until it was too late. The hardships of the Great Depression began to take hold of the region…
Much of the landscape was no longer covered by crops or vegetation. Conditions like these were experienced (click on the picture for the movie).
Can you tell what this is?
During the 1920s, many farmers bought on credit newly developed, expensive farm equipment. The ripple effect of the Great Depression during the 1930s made it difficult for this debt to be paid off. Families had to leave the Dust Bowl region because the land couldn’t be farmed and they were unable to pay their rising debts. For many, heading west was their only option for job opportunities…
It is estimated that over 200,000 people traveled along Route 66 to escape the hardships of the Dust Bowl. California was their destination. Many people from Oklahoma migrated out west. They became known as, “Okies.”
I'm a dust bowl refugee, Just a dust bowl refugee, From that dust bowl to the peach bowl, Now that peach fuzz is a-killin' me. 'Cross the mountains to the sea, Come the wife and kids and me. It's a hot old dusty highway For a dust bowl refugee. Hard, it's always been that way, Here today and on our way Down that mountain, 'cross the desert, Just a dust bowl refugee. We are ramblers, so they say, We are only here today, Then we travel with the seasons, We're the dust bowl refugees. From the south land and the drought land, Come the wife and kids and me, And this old world is a hard world For a dust bowl refugee.
Yes, we ramble and we roam And the highway that's our home, It's a never-ending highway For a dust bowl refugee. Yes, we wander and we work In your crops and in your fruit, Like the whirlwinds on the desert That's the dust bowl refugees. I'm a dust bowl refugee, I'm a dust bowl refugee, And I wonder will I always Be a dust bowl refugee?
Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California in He wrote about the plights of migrant workers during the Dust Bowl and Great Depression. Two famous works of his are, “The Grapes of Wrath” and “Of Mice and Men.” Many consider his writings as the gritty truth of life and hardship during the 1930s. Even though life was difficult during the 1930s for many, America was eventually able to recover from the Dust Bowl.
Conservation and irrigation practices increased. Crop diversity was increased. Federal crop insurance was established. New reservoirs were built. Changes were made in farm policies.
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