United Nations Development Programme MDGs in Macedonia
MDGR process - Organisational Structure National MDG Committee (13 members) 1 advisor to the president 3 government 2 parliament 2 academia 2 civil society 1 media 1 private sector UN/RC Government task force government focal points of Ministries and SSO Technical Support Team Working group Poverty (experts/UN agency/CSOs/ gov.focal points Working group Environment (experts/UN agency/CSOs/ gov.focal point) Working group Health (experts/UN agency/CSOs/ gov.focal point) Working group Education (experts/UN agency/CSOs/ gov.focal point) Human rights/gender taskforce (experts/UN agency/gov.fp/CSOs) Governance taskforce (experts/UN agency/gov.fp/CSOs) HIV/AIDS taskforce (experts/UN agency/gov.fp/CSOs) Working group Economic factors (experts/UN agency/CSOs gov.focal point)
HURIST Recommendations Mechanism to ensure more holistic approach needed Innovative modality to ensure interaction and engagement across disciplines needed Mechanisms to ensure participation and ownership required
Follow-up linkages with HR instruments MDG 1: Poverty reduction and social exclusion Freedom from want Though the term 'poverty instruments, human rights treaty bodies and other international human rights mechanisms refer to poverty as an infringement ' is not explicitly mentioned in the international and regional of freedom, and agree that the elimination of poverty should be addressed as a basic entitlement and a human right. The preamble to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the common preamble to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights emphasize the importance of “freedom from... want”. The rights to work, an adequate standard of living, housing, food, health and education, which lie at the heart of the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as well as other international and regional instruments, have a direct and immediate bearing upon the eradication of poverty. Articles 30 to 49 of the Constitution of Macedonia also guarantee the wide range of social, economic and cultural rights for everyone. However, not only social and economic rights but also civil and political rights, as well as the right to development, are indispensable to those living in poverty. Non-discrimination and equality are integral elements of the normative framework of human rights. According to the findings of the treaty bodies and other human rights mechanisms, based on the studies, discrimination and inequality are often the root causes of poverty. Therefore, the international norms of non- discrimination and equality, which demand that particular attention be given to vulnerable groups and individuals from such groups, have profound implication for anti-poverty strategies.
Follow-up holistic approach and interaction Human rights/gender task force: assure that the rights-based principles are applied and the data used by the groups is properly disaggregated communicate with the State Statistical Office, guiding them in adequate disaggregated data provision (inform them which kind of disaggregated data they precisely need, e.g. disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, age and etc.) come up with 2-3 questions or statements which should be circulated and addressed by each working groups receive from each working group their findings on which are the vulnerable or disadvantaged groups that need special consideration read, adjust and correct the first draft
Follow-up ownership and participation NGO fair – 3 discussion panels: 1) the national MDG process and the role of civil society organizations 2) MDG 8 ‘Youth and development partnerships’ 3) NGOs and journalists on the first draft of the report Public Health Forum 2 Forums on Environment Draft MDG report circulated among other relevant stakeholders for comments MDGR launch MDG campaign
Localising MDGs HURIST pilot project/ cooperation with BIM 3 pilot municipalities identification of the poor and vulnerable in the pilot municipalities/base line study in three pilot municipalities develop the national and international legal framework integration of HRBA into local development planning (workshops on the tools developed by BIM) development of new HR oriented project in each of the pilot municipalities
Thank you!