Health and Work - Looking to the future Dr Bill Gunnyeon Director- Health, Work and Wellbeing Department for Work and Pensions
Plan Setting the context Links between work and health The challenge -for Society -for organisations Addressing the challenge What Government is doing Implications for Fire and Rescue Services
Health and Work – The Statistics 1 Size of working age population 31 million Number of people unemployed <1 million Number on Incapacity Benefit 2.6 million Number who report sick each week 1 million still off at 6 months will not work again in next 5 years Working days lost attributed to work related Illness & Injury35 million People with disabilities who are in work3.4 million
Health and Work – The Statistics 2 Average Life Expectancy: - Males - Females People aged between 50 and 69: - Today Ratio of people working to people in retirement - Today Percentage of Adult Life in Retirement (Males): million 15.9 million 4:1 2:1 18% 30.7%
Health and Work – The Statistics 3 90% of people entering IB expect to return to work After 12 months on benefit average duration of claim is 8 years After 2 years more likely to retire or die than return to work Around half of claimants are over 50 40% of new claimants suffer from mental health problems
Health and Work – The Links Being out of work leads to: -poorer health -psychological distress -increased visits to GPs Returning to work: -improves general health -improves mental health -reduces psychological distress Work has potential to cause or worsen health problems For most people with health problems returning to appropriate work is beneficial
Our challenge as a Society We need: To increase employment to 80% from current 75% More people in work People at work for more of the time People able to work to a later age People with health problems and disabilities able to return to work Work seen as important for people’s health and wellbeing
The challenge for organisations To create working environments which are: -safe -healthy -and where people want to work To have people at work for more of the time To have people more effective when at work To have people able to work to at least normal retirement age To have people with health conditions: - able to remain in work -or return to work as quickly as possible
Addressing The Challenge Supporting people in making choices to improve general health Ensuring people do not suffer illness or injury as a result of the work they do Investigating and treating people quickly and effectively Helping people better manage health conditions Ensuring rehabilitation and return to work support Adapting work to meet people’s changing needs with age
Pathways pilots and Condition Management Programmes Collaboration with Health Departments and HSE Health, Work and Wellbeing Strategy “A new deal for welfare: empowering people to work” Appointment of National Director for Health and Work Stakeholder Summit Evidence Review of Work and Health What is Government doing
Pathways pilots and Condition Management Programmes Collaboration with Health Departments and HSE Health, Work and Wellbeing Strategy “A new deal for welfare: empowering people to work” Appointment of National Director for Health and Work Stakeholder Summit Evidence Review of Work and Health What is Government doing
To have created an environment where the health and wellbeing of those in work and all those who wish to work is actively promoted, supported and valued. Our Vision
Creating opportunities to improve health Being proactive in reducing incidence of work related illness and injury Addressing organisational issues Careful assessment of conditions which impact on fitness for firefighting Supporting where possible people with health conditions to remain in work Providing access to simple interventions for common health problems Facilitating return to work following illness or injury Supporting people to work to a later age Appropriate attendance management policies Implications for Fire and Rescue Services
“He’s renowned for his speed, his success rate and his list – he takes over three hundred cases a year. Some fail, a handful endure with their lights fogged, but most thrive, and many return to work in some form; work – the ultimate badge of health.” Ian McEwan – “Saturday”