Objectives Students will explore the UN website to identify the components of the United Nations Students will identify the main bodies of the UN to provide basic knowledge on this international organization
WARM UP Which organization’s goals were international peace & security, and an improved standard of living?
United Nations Helps stabilize international relations and monitor global events. History Post WWI- League of Nations Post WWII- Yalta Conference Oct 24, charter nations
General UN Membership 193 member states “Peace loving nations” NYC: “Sessions” Sept-Dec Pay dues (% world wealth) Budget ($5.5 b) Peacekeeping costs different ($7.3 b) Provide troops for UN activities
Activity: UN Webquest Using your laptop, access the UN website at Click “Welcome” (English option, otherwise you will enter the site in another language) Follow directions on the Webquest worksheet
Closure What is the significance of the UN? (What is it’s importance?)
Objectives Students will explore the UN website to identify the components of the United Nations Students will identify the main bodies of the UN to provide basic knowledge on this international organization
Day 2: Warm Up Read the quote and reflect upon its meaning. Be prepared to defend your thinking.
Goals of the U.N. Maintain international peace & security Put down threats to peace & aggressive acts Promote respect for international law Protect human rights and freedoms Encourage social and economic progress (raise SOL)
Webquest Review Have out your webquest to review the main bodies of the UN!
Structure of the UN General Assembly Security Council Secretariat Economic and Social Council Court of Justice Ban Ki-moon: S. Korea
General Assembly Purpose: Open, deliberative forum Membership: All member nations (193) 1 vote per delegation 2/3 rd vote to pass resolutions/mandates Function/Powers: Elect members of other organs Debate issues and make (non-binding) recommendations Approve budget and spending Suspend or revoke membership
Security Council Purpose: Maintain peace and security Membership: 5 permanent members (China, France, Britain, US, Russia), 10 non-perm members (elected 2 yr terms by GA) 9/15 votes to take action, including all 5 perm Function/Powers: Investigate and mediate disputes (binding decisions) Apply political and economic sanctions Take military action when necessary
Secretariat Purpose: Carry out daily operations Membership: Secretary General (Ban Ki-moon) – 5 yr ~50K+ workers in various agencies and offices (NYC main) Function/Powers: Administer programs and policies Create press releases
Economic and Social Council Purpose: Promote higher standard of living, econ and social progress Membership: 54 members- regional representation 3 year terms 1 vote per nation Function/Powers: Formulate policy Discuss & Initiate studies concerning econ/soc issues Call international summits (mtgs)
International Court of Justice Purpose: Settle disputes of international law Membership: 15 Justices (independent once elected) 9 year terms Peace Palace (The Hague, Amsterdam) Function/Powers: Nations submitting disputes agree to decisions Advise organs on legal questions
Trusteeship Council Purpose: Oversee “trust territories” (11 nations w/out govt following WW2) Membership: 5 Perm Security Nations Function: None, all territories est self-govt eventually
Activity: Match that UN Main Body You and a partner will all receive a playing card and a set of mini cards with the a UN Main Body written on it. The player’s card has 25 statements written in small squares on it You need to identify which UN Main Body relates to each statement. When you figure it out place the UN Main Body card on the statement that correlates (relates) to it. Continue to do this until you have finished.
UN: A Love-Hate Affair Students will be placed into small groups They will read the article as a group and summarize the main points of the article They will reflect upon the meaning of the article What is your opinion of the UN after you read this article from 2005? Why do you think this way?
Closure From what you know now about the UN, what is your opinion of this organization?
Homework Read the UN Preamble found at: /documents/udhr/ /documents/udhr/ Respond to the wiki post on the class wiki under the “Introduction” tab Click the discussion and respond