GPDD/HI training Mozambique –February 22, 2010 Charlotte McClain-Nhlapo- Senior operations officer.
Disability, poverty and vulnerability Disability affects a significant proportion of the world population (an estimated percent); Disability is not a rare event, but rather a common part of the life cycle; Exclusion from social and economic life affects persons with disabilities; The relationship between poverty and disability is significant; The MDGs cannot be achieved without addressing the needs of people with disabilities; The ongoing financial crisis has negatively impacted persons with disabilities.
CRPD: Milestones. Negotiated by the AHC/GA in 8 sessions Adopted by the UN GA - 13 December 2006 Opened for signature - 30 March 2007 Entered into force – 3 rd May 2008(after 20 ratifications) 2 Conference of States Parties sessions to date. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities- in place. 144 signatories and 79 ratifications
CRPD: Relationship to other disability texts It builds upon, and works in synergy with previous international texts related to persons with disabilities: Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (not a legally binding treaty) World Programme of Action on Disabled Persons (not a legally binding treaty)
The CRPD Presents a comprehensive and pragmatic framework for disability inclusive development; With it’s inclusive development mandate it stands to trigger the social inclusion of people with disabilities into mainstream society; Today development practices by and large exclude persons with disabilities. Heralds a new era in life not only for persons with disabilities, but also for everybody else in society.
What is unique about the CRPD? Both a development and a human rights instrument A policy instrument which is cross-disability and cross- sectoral Requires States to set up national focal points to monitor implementation- Art.33 The first stand alone provision on international cooperation in a core UN human rights treaty- Art.32 Strong participation of the beneficiaries
CRPD: marks a paradigm shift… In attitudes and approaches to persons with disabilities. That does not view persons with disabilities as "objects" of charity but rather as "subjects" with rights, who are capable of claiming those rights and making decisions for their lives based on their free and informed consent as well as being active members of society. It gives universal recognition to the dignity of persons with disabilities. Embodies the concept of inclusive development
General Principles (Art. 3) Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons Non-discrimination Full and effective participation and inclusion in society Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity Equality of opportunity Accessibility Equality between men and women Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities
General Obligations: Participation & Inclusion Participation of persons with disabilities is one of the General Principles. It is required in the development and implementation of legislation and policies to implement the CRPD. State shall consult and actively involve persons with disabilities including children with disabilities.
Full & effective participation & inclusion … is recognized in various articles of the CRPD: In the Preamble (m) General principle (Art.3) General obligation (Art. 4) As rights (Art. 29 and 30) International cooperation (Art.32) National Implementation and monitoring (Art.33) The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ( Art.34)
Article 32- ushers in a new thinking. Requires that international cooperation and international development is inclusive and accessible to persons with disabilities. Building capacity by exchange and sharing Recognizes the importance of south to south/regional collaboration Recognizes a multi-dimensional process. Calls for cooperation in research and access and technical knowledge. Provides for technical and economic assistance. Calls for the transfer of technology ICTs
The CRPD Art. Linked to PARPAII. Pillar 2 Human capital Art.24, 25, 26, 27 Pillar 3. Economic development Art. 9, 28, 32, Pillar 1 Governance Art. 13, 14, 29, 33, 34. Three interconnected pillars
CRPD Provides a development oriented roadmap that: Requires States to invest in persons with disabilities. Emphasizes the importance of mainstreaming disability issues as an integral part of relevant strategies for sustainable development. Recognizes that the full participation of persons with disabilities will result in significant advances in human, social, and economic development of society and the eradication of poverty. Contributes to greater social equity, inclusion, and cohesion. Recognizes that human capital formation, development, and maintenance is essential to break the cycle of poverty, deprivation, and social exclusion.
Disability inclusive development challenges: A long road ahead Better data Make the development case for inclusion: both with governments and with donors. Generate country based demand. Stay actively involved in development policy dialogue, analytical work and projects. Forge strategic alliances. It can be done!!!!