Prefixes and Root Words Ms. Jordan’s Reading Class.


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Presentation transcript:

Prefixes and Root Words Ms. Jordan’s Reading Class

English contains many words adopted from other languages. In fact, experts estimate 80% of English words originated elsewhere. The biggest influence on the English vocabulary is Latin.

E ven though Latin is called a “dead language,” it still lives within the English language.

Are you paying attention? Which language has the biggest influence on English? 1.French 2.Latin 3.Spanish

Knowing the meaning of prefixes and root words helps you to understand words you’ve never seen before.

Take, for example, the word: hydrophobia Let’s say you’ve never seen nor heard it before. If you know that “hydro-” means “water” and “phobia” means “fear of,” you instantly know the meaning of the word.

A couple more …. 1. “pre-” means “before” and “dict” means “to say.” Put them together for the word “predict” which means to say something beforehand.

Now let’s learn some prefixes and roots.

ambi- means both Examples: Ambidextrous – the ability to write with both hands. Ambiguous – having more than one meaning.

astro- means star Examples: Astronaut – a person trained for a space flight. Astronomy – the study of celestial bodies. Astrology – the study of horoscopes.

aud- means to hear Examples: Audio – sound. Auditorium – theatre with acoustics for sound. Auditory – have to doing with hearing.

com/con- means together Examples: Combine – placing two or more things together. Also… Connect Congregation

chron- means time Examples: Chronological – arranged in order of time. Chronic – continuing for a long time. Chronicle – a historical report.

cide or cis- to cut or to kill Examples: Incision – a cut or gash. Homicide – the killing of one human by another. Suicide – the deliberate killing of oneself. Genocide – race murder.

circum- means around Examples: Circumference – the outer boundary of a circular area. Circumstances – continuing for a long time. Circumnavigate – to go, fly, or said around.

dyn/dyna- means power Examples: Dynasty – rulers from the same family. Dynamic – a force in motion. Dynomite – an explosive device.

equi- means equal Examples: Equity – fairness. Equator – circling the Earth’s surface with equal distance from North & South Poles. Equilateral – having all sides equal.

Examples: Hyperbole – an over exaggeration. Hyperactive – overly active. Hypersensitive – overly sensitive. hyper- means over or above

Examples: Hypodermic – under the skin. Hypothermia – under normal body temperature. hypo- means under

Examples: Malevolent – evil. Malpractice – bad medical work. “Maleficent” – the evil queen in Sleeping Beauty. mal- means bad or evil

Examples: Microscope Microwave Microchip micro- means small

Examples: Misuse – the wrong use of something. Mistake – something wrong occurred. Misunderstand – the wrong understanding of something. mis- means wrong

Examples: Omnipresent – means always present. Omnipotent – means all-powerful. Omnivore – means eats all food types. omni- means all or everywhere

Examples: Polygamy – marriage to more than one person. Polytheism – a belief in more than one god. Polygon – a figure with many sides. poly- means many

Examples: Prefix – word part that comes before the word. Preamble – an introduction. Preview – to see beforehand. pre- means before

Examples: Postpone – reschedule for later. Postscript – (P.S.) after writing. post- means after

Examples: Protagonist – must move forward through conflict. Prominent – leading, standing out. Proceed – to move forward. pro- means forward

Examples: Unable Unbearable Unstable Unhappy Unmistakable un- means not

Now it’s time to study and memorize them!